Norah drew in a breath to speak, catching his subtle scent, which sent desire swirling within her. Suddenly, her mind was blank. What had she been going to say? “Your cousin called on me.”

He blinked in surprise. “Cousin? Lady Mendenhall?”


A muscle ticked in his jaw even as his nostrils flared. “I assume it wasn’t a social call. What did she say?”

“That she wanted you to close the museum.” Norah frowned. “I’m not certain why she thought to mention it to me.”

“She called on me a few days ago, as well, and stated the same request. Again. She suggested the talk of the stolen items is embarrassing.”

“How ridiculous. I don’t understand why she doesn’t like you.”

“I don’t think she liked sharing what little attention she received from her parents with me. She hasn’t forgiven me for that. My apologies that she bothered you. I will speak with her.”

“No need.” Norah smiled. “My grandfather overheard part of what she said and expressed his displeasure to her.”

Simon’s eyes widened. “Oh?”

“She seemed embarrassed and upset when she left. I don’t believe we need to concern ourselves with her for a time. I think Grandfather is coming to like you.”

“I’m pleased to hear someone does.”

Her heart thumped rapidly at his whispered words. “I do, too.” She pressed her arm more firmly against his, hoping the contact reassured him.

To her delight, he pressed back. A subtle hug of sorts. A private moment in a somewhat public gathering. It warmed her inside and out.

“We like you, too.” Lena leaned forward as did Ella, both of them smiling at Simon.

Norah couldn’t help but chuckle at Simon’s startled expression. The music started, saving him from having to respond.

The performance was lovely. The four ladies played very well. Norah added her applause to the rest of the guests at the conclusion.

“That was more pleasant than I expected,” Simon said as they rose.

“I don’t suppose you attend many musicals.”


“I enjoy music,” Norah admitted. “I can’t imagine life without it.”

“Do you play?”

“Yes. Several instruments.”

“How interesting.” He frowned as if he couldn’t quite imagine it.

“It calms me and clears my thoughts. Especially when I’m the one playing.” She shared a smile with him. “Perhaps it’s like boxing for you.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard boxing and playing music compared before.”

They moved with the other guests toward the refreshment room where an array of small sandwiches, biscuits, and cake were offered, along with lemonade.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Simon said, then walked over to speak with their host, Lord Hampton.

“I must say how surprised I am that you and Vanbridge seem to have formed a friendship of sorts,” Lady Havenby said as she halted beside Norah, a glass of lemonade in hand. “Is it because of the missing coin?”

I hope not, Norah wanted to say. “In part, I suppose. Though I enjoy his company. We share several common interests.”