She wanted Simon all to herself. There was no denying it. Perhaps seeing him so unexpectedly was what brought forth the truth. She longed to take his hand and lead him to a hidden alcove where they could share a heated kiss. Or more.

Definitely more. Her body trembled at the thought.

Then Simon was standing before her, his deep green eyes holding her gaze. A smile lit their depths before slowly tilting his lips. “Good evening, Norah.”

She was truly in serious trouble.

“Simon. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Only too late did she realize she forgot to curtsy, and she quickly rectified it. However, she didn’t think that was the reason the people around them were staring.

He bowed, that delicious smile still in place. “Marbury insisted I come.”

I’m pleased he did. She bit back the words, unwilling to say them. Not when admitting how she felt might put another hole in her already crumbling defenses. “Oh?”

“There are a few gentlemen he thinks we should visit with who will be here this evening.”

“I see.” She licked her suddenly dry lips, only to notice Simon watching her. Desire pulsed through her, and she nearly waved a hand before her warm face.

Absence truly did make the heart grow fonder.

“Would you care to help me find Marbury?” Simon asked.

She’d rather dance but being in his company was enough for now. “Of course.” She took his offered arm and nodded at Lady Havenby, who smiled in return as they passed.

If Norah wasn’t careful, the lady would be offering her another warning about Simon and how she shouldn’t expect anything from him.

She put the thoughts behind her, reminding herself that the priority was finding the missing items. That was the only reason Simon was here. Not because of her.

“I saw Marbury and Ella in this direction earlier,” she said as they started around the perimeter of the room.

Simon’s chuckle had her looking at him before following his gaze to where Marbury and Ella entered from the terrace. The satisfied look on Marbury’s face and her sister’s pink cheeks suggested they had been doing more than simply enjoying a breath of fresh air. Given that their wedding was only a week away, few guests paid them any mind.

When Norah married, she wanted it to be with a happy heart and much excitement for the future, just like Ella. Perhaps Norah, too, would be lucky enough to find a man who wanted at least a few of the same things she did.

The thought had her glancing at Simon from under her lashes. What sort of husband would he be? Given his preference to remain locked in his study, she supposed his wife would be forced to remain home much of the time as well. Though the idea wasn’t as terrible as it might’ve been a month ago now that she’d spent time with him, it still wasn’t how she’d envisioned her future. Marriage should be a give and take, in her opinion. Would he agree?

“Vanbridge,” Marbury exclaimed as they approached. “Glad to see you made it.”

“Needed some air, eh?” Simon asked with a raised brow.

Marbury only grinned while Ella’s cheeks grew even more pink.

“Yes. Quite stuffy in here.” He cast a warm look in Ella’s direction.

The two men visited while Norah studied Ella. She never would’ve guessed her sister would fall in love. She’d always insisted that seeing Norah and Lena settled was her priority. Norah had been happy to have her sister’s attention shifted.

“Do take care, dear sister,” Norah said with a smile. “I have to think more people than Simon and I noticed your flushed face after your time on the terrace.”

Ella’s eyes closed briefly, and she sighed before an exasperated look came over her expression. “I told Leo that. However, I can hardly remember my name after one kiss.”

Norah laughed. In truth, it was a relief to think her sister experienced the same problem as Norah did after a kiss with Simon. How nice to know she wasn’t the only one who found herself overcome with passion.

“If you ladies will excuse us briefly, we’re going to see if Lord Mortenson is in the card room,” Marbury said.

“Of course.” Ella waved a hand before her face as the men moved away. “I need a moment to compose myself or Lady Havenby will be asking if I’m running a fever.”

Norah’s spirits sank as she watched Simon depart. Would he bother to find her before he left? Knowing him, he would escape the ball as quickly as possible, which meant a dance was out of the question.

“Let us find ourselves something to drink,” Ella suggested. “It is terribly warm in here, isn’t it?”