“How is it that you keep appearing in the most unexpected places?”

“I had to see how you were.” She tugged off a glove to run a hand along his forehead. The fact that he hadn’t sat up was enough for her to know he still didn’t feel particularly well.


She shook her head. “I don’t believe you. How are you truly?”

“My head aches.”

Norah waited, certain there was more.

“And I feel slightly nauseated.”

She raised a brow.

“Tired as well.”

“As expected.” She nodded. “Ella felt much the same way when she received a blow to the head.”

“What happened to her?”

Unable to resist, she ran her fingers over his brow, hoping to ease the ache. “She entered an antique shop by herself when she thought she saw someone we knew. The owner didn’t care for her questions and thought to frighten her, resulting in a shelf falling on top of her.”

“Good heavens.” His brow furrowed. “That’s terrible.”

“Yes, it was. Something heavy struck her. Speaking of which, can I see how your injury looks?”

“Yes, but Miles already looked at it and declared I will live.”

“Your valet?” she asked as she rose and bent close to locate the lump. He might not be feeling his best, but he was still so appealing. His scent begged her to breathe it in to better enjoy it. His hair was soft beneath her fingers as she moved it aside to look.

“I believe I mentioned that he was in the military for many years. He tended more than his share of injuries.”

The lump was large, but the cut wasn’t overly deep. “Are you certain you don’t want a doctor to have a look to be sure?”

“Quite sure,” he said dryly.

“Very well, though I’d feel better if you did.” She returned to her seat at his side. “What of Jarvis?”

“Much the same as me. I ordered him back to bed.”

“I’m surprised he listened, since you are up and about.”

“As you can see, I didn’t go far. I hoped to get some work done, but reading is not pleasurable at the moment.”

She gave him a sympathetic look. “I would guess not. Surely you can take a day or two away from your work without it causing problems.”

“I suppose.”

She had to laugh when he sounded more like a young lad denied a sweet treat rather than a man denied his work.

He smiled as his gaze held on her face. “If I felt better, I would kiss you.”

The flutters in her middle immediately came to life as if in full agreement. She leaned close, her hand cupping his cheek. “Since you can’t, I will.” Her eyes closed as she pressed her lips to his, the contact causing her body to pulse.

“Lovely,” he whispered when she drew back.

“Yes, it was.”