Soon he could hear her calling for Jarvis, her voice echoing through the quiet of the museum.

“Oh, Simon.” Norah scooted closer and ran a finger along his brow, her cool touch incredibly soothing. “I’m so sorry this happened. Why would someone hit you? Surely the museum was closed.”

“Yes. The front door was locked.” He patted his pocket to make certain he still had his keys. “I left it open while I ran up to my office but thought nothing of it since Jarvis was waiting outside.”

He looked over his shoulder, careful to move slowly, relieved his memory was returning. “I heard what sounded like a crate sliding along the floor and went to investigate. Then I heard footsteps behind me. As I turned to see who it was, they hit me.”

“My goodness. Then there was more than one person in here. What could they have been doing?” She glanced around but little moonlight shone through the small window by the stairs.

“I don’t know, but I intend to find out.” Simon managed to get to his knees, grateful for Norah’s arm to help balance him. “First I want to find Jarvis.”

He rose to his feet, head spinning so much that he closed his eyes briefly, willing away the pain.

“Are you certain you feel well enough to walk?” Norah kept her arm wrapped tight around him. “We should call for a doctor.”

“No need.” Thanks to her supportive grip, he thought he could walk. He wasn’t about to admit how weak he felt.

Before they took more than a few steps, voices sounded in the hall.

“We found him!” Lena called from the first level.

“Thank goodness.” Norah heaved a relieved sigh that nearly matched his own.

“I hope his head doesn’t feel like mine,” Simon said.

The faint glow of the lantern drew nearer, and four figures became visible. Simon’s gaze latched onto Jarvis, pleased to see him upright, though Lena held his arm.

“I’m so sorry, my lord,” the servant said. “When you didn’t return, I came looking for you. Some bloke snuck up on me from behind.” His outrage matched Simon’s.

“Are you well, Jarvis?” Simon asked.

“A bit of a bump.” He reached up to gingerly touch his head. “Nothing serious.”

But Simon noted how his hand trembled. He was obviously more shaken than he admitted.

“I’m pleased to hear that.” Simon reached to clasp the man’s shoulder, already feeling better to know he wasn’t badly hurt. “Did you see who hit you?”

“No, my lord. Sorry to admit that I didn’t see whoever it was.”

“There was more than one,” Simon said. Before he could suggest they look in the area where he’d heard the crate moving, more voices echoed in the entrance below.

“Ella?” Marbury’s voice was recognizable despite the rather frantic tone.

“Here.” She hurried over to the stairs. “We are all up here.”

The rush of footsteps reached them, followed quickly by Marbury and Worley, who also held a lantern. Marbury’s fierce expression eased as his gaze found his betrothed. He took her hand, the tautness in his face softening at the contact.

The intimacy of their silent communication made Simon realize just how much they cared for one another. A pang of longing swept over him as he wondered what it might be like to share that sort of relationship with a woman. Of their own accord, his eyes sought Norah, who also watched the moment. Her smile suggested this wasn’t the first time she’d seen the connection the pair had.

“What happened?” Marbury asked as he shifted his attention to Simon.

Simon explained, with Jarvis adding his version.

“I want to look around to see if we can tell what they were doing.” Simon gestured in the direction of the sound he’d heard beyond Wright’s exhibit.

“Shouldn’t we send for a doctor to examine you both?” Norah asked. “Investigating can wait until the morning.”

“That might be too late.” Simon glanced at Marbury, hoping his friend understood.