Norah curtsied afterfinishing a dance with Viscount Worley, one of her favorite partners on the rare occasion she could convince him to dance. His black evening attire was accented with a gold and black striped waistcoat, his dark hair neatly parted in the center.

“Thank you, my lord.”

His brown eyes sparkled with warmth. He bowed and offered his elbow to escort her from the dance floor. “The pleasure is mine. Before I return you to Lady Havenby’s side, why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Norah protested, though it sounded weak even to her ears.

“Come now. Surely, we’re friends of the sort who don’t need to pretend with one another.” Worley turned them, making it clear he intended to take a circuitous route back to Lady Havenby to give them ample time to visit.

“I was expecting Vanbridge, but he has yet to arrive.” Even now, Norah glanced at the entrance to the ballroom, something she’d done more times than she could count.

“Vanbridge at another ball? Surely that’s as unlikely as the moon descending to the earth.”

“True,” she agreed with a laugh. “But we spoke of it just yesterday, and he liked the idea of asking Lord Stanwick about his coin collection.”

“That is a fine idea.”

“Vanbridge thought so, too, yet he isn’t here.” Norah didn’t mention the dance they’d planned, even if that was one of the reasons she worried at his absence. Simon had acted as if he were looking forward to it as much as she was.

“Odd. While the marquess tends to be reclusive, he is a man of his word.”

Worley’s words only made her more concerned.

Norah caught movement out of the corner of her eyes to see Lena approach. “Something’s wrong,” her sister whispered, her eyes dark with concern.

“What is it?” Worley asked, his brown gaze darting between the sisters.

“Lena agrees that Simon should’ve been here by now.” Norah didn’t want to reveal the true reason. “I’m going to take the carriage to see if—”

Worley shook his head. “You jest. If you feel that strongly, Marbury and I will venture to his home and see if anything is amiss.” He skimmed the crowd to look for his friend and moved Norah in that direction with Lena at her side. “Though you do realize chances are he lost track of the time.”

“Possibly.” But a glance at Lena’s face was all it took for Norah to think otherwise. “I do appreciate you checking.”

“I’m happy to. We shall return within the hour. No doubt we’ll have Vanbridge with us, as well.”

“Excellent,” Norah said, relieved that Worley had offered.

He left them with Lady Havenby and, after a few quick words with Marbury, the pair left.

“How concerning to think something could’ve happened to Vanbridge,” Ella said as she joined them. “Do you truly believe that?”

“He said he’d be here but isn’t.” Norah knew that for certain, regardless of whether Lena sensed anything. Added to that was the tight ball of worry in her chest. While she knew he often lost track of time, surely his servants would’ve reminded him. “I don’t think he’s home.”

“Then where?” Ella asked.

Norah glanced at Lena. “The museum,” they both said at the same time.

“But it’s been closed for hours,” Ella reminded them.

“Yes, but it would be more likely for him to have forgotten the time while working there,” Norah said. “I’ll see if I can catch Worley and Marbury.”

“I’ll advise Lady Havenby that you’re not feeling well and we’re returning home.” Ella hurried away.

Norah made her way through the crowded ballroom as quickly as possible, aware Lena was directly behind her. They rushed outside and hurried down the steps, only to see a carriage pulling out of the drive.

“I do believe that was Marbury’s,” Lena said.

“Then we shall take our carriage to the museum.” Norah hurried toward a waiting footman to request theirs be brought around.