Being shackled for life to someone like Viscount Salverson was unimaginable. Thank goodness her grandfather wasn’t pressuring her to find a suitable husband. If only she could get Ella to agree. Norah suspected he wasn’t ready for any of them to move away when he was only just beginning to know them. That was one of the reasons Ella and Marbury had decided on such a long betrothal.

Viscount Salverson seemed incapable of understanding that she didn’t appreciate his efforts to flatter her. He was handsome enough with blonde hair and even features but looks weren’t everything. His blue eyes were rather pale and when his gaze swept over her, it left her chilled. From what she could discern, he wasn’t interested in having a true conversation with her about anything of importance.

“How kind of you to offer, but I am otherwise engaged tomorrow.” It seemed silly to continue to say she was busy when it would’ve been more effective to simply tell him that while she was flattered, she wasn’t interested. If only he’d take the hint.

“Oh?” He frowned like he thought that impossible. “Doing what?”

Norah blinked as she tried to think of a response, though it was none of his business. “I am going to the Museum of Antiquities with my sisters.”

“Vanbridge’s place? Whatever for?”

That he hadn’t heard about the unveiling or the stolen coin only proved he truly wasn’t interested in her or what she considered important. Somehow the thought of Simon eased her distress. How different it was to spend time with him compared to someone like Viscount Salverson. Thinking of Simon gave her an idea.

“I recently read an intriguing book about the Inca Empire.” If the mention of reading didn’t put him off, hopefully talking about history would. “Did you know the Incas completed rituals involving sacrifices in an effort to change the weather?”

“Sacrifices?” He repeated the word as if it were foreign, the interest in his gaze fading.

“It is fascinating to learn about other cultures’ beliefs, don’t you think? I would be happy to lend you the book if you’d like. Also, the Museum of Antiquities has a wonderful exhibit on the Incas you might enjoy.”

“I didn’t realize you were so enthusiastic about history.” The viscount released his hold on her as the dance ended at last.

“History is my passion,” she lied as she resisted the urge to wipe her gloves on her skirt. “Someday I hope to visit Egypt to see the pyramids, as well as Greece to see the ruins. Mythology is another fascinating subject, wouldn’t you agree?”

He eased back, studying her as if she’d suddenly grown a wart on her nose. “The topic is not one I particularly enjoy.”

“What a shame. I find it enthralling.” She turned in the direction of where Ella and Marbury stood, hoping the viscount would at least take this hint.

To her relief, he offered his arm and returned her to their side. He bid them good evening and took his leave.

Ella studied her with narrowed eyes. “Viscount Salverson’s interest in you seems to have waned.”

“I noticed that as well.” Norah hoped her relief didn’t show on her face.

“I thought him rather nice.” Ella glanced at Marbury as if hoping he would confirm her opinion, but he was conversing with someone else.

“Then obviously you haven’t spoken with him other than to exchange pleasantries.” Norah hesitated, wondering if this was the right time to once again attempt to explain that she was in no hurry to marry. The last few times Norah had shared her feelings, Ella had said she understood, only to point out the next eligible gentleman who crossed their path.

“I realize how happy you and Marbury are,” Norah began, keeping her voice low. “As I’ve said before, I would prefer to wait a few years to wed. There are so many things I want to see and do before then.”

“Do you intend to do those things alone?” Ella shook her head, clearly puzzled. “Wouldn’t you rather do them with your husband?”

How could Ella not remember the example their own parents had set and see how unlikely that was? While their mother had supported their father’s dreams of digging for treasure on Oak Island, Norah knew she hadn’t thought they’d spend their entire lives on the small island. Any dreams her mother held had been set aside for her husband’s. He’d always been so sure the next season would lead to a discovery.

Ella and Marbury seemed to share similar interests, which was unusual from what Norah had witnessed. She wasn’t willing to take the same risk her mother had.

“Be careful you don’t wait too long,” Ella advised with concern in her eyes. Ever the eldest sister. “The good ones will be gone, and you’ll be left with little from which to choose.”

Norah only smiled. That was a risk she was willing to take.

Thoughts of Simon still filled her mind.

A man like him, completely different than any others she’d met, was certainly a temptation. She believed he truly saw her, not just her appearance. And the way he made her feel was shocking—so much more than anything she’d experienced. The question was whether Simon felt the same.


In an effortto spend more time at the museum, Simon brought a couple of papers he wanted to further study in addition to the most recent news sheet from the Royal Geological Society to review so he’d have something to do while there.

He also intended to speak with the employees again and walk through the exhibits. After all, he wasn’t going to find the coin in his study.