“Isn’t it doubtful that Vanbridge will be there?” Lena asked.

Norah drew a breath to hold her patience. Both of her sisters had valid points. “Very well. I shall send him a message instead.”

Lady Milner, a friend of Lady Havenby’s, joined them, and they visited for several minutes, much to Norah’s dismay. She wanted to return home to send a message to Simon.

“Did I see you dancing with the Marquess of Vanbridge the other evening?” Lady Milner asked Norah with a bemused expression.

“Yes, you did.” Norah waited to see what the woman had to say, as something seemed to be on her mind based on the way her attention held on Norah.

“I was surprised to see him there. Why, it’s been years since he attended a social event.” She glanced at Lady Marbury as if for confirmation.

“He is rather reclusive,” the countess agreed.

“Do be careful,” Lady Milner warned, leaning close as if sharing a secret. “He is an odd, eccentric sort of gentleman. Do not get your hopes up for him as a possible suitor. You’ll only be disappointed.”

Norah blinked, uncertain of what to say, torn between wanting to defend Simon and insisting she didn’t consider him—or any man—husband material. “I don’t know him well, but he seems kind and considerate.”

“You are being too gracious. Especially after the incident on the dance floor.” Lady Milner waved her hand to dismiss Norah’s remark. “Imagine him deliberately bumping into Ludham like that.” She shook her head.

“It was Ludham who bumped into Vanbridge.” Norah had given it considerable thought. She’d been focused on the dance and Simon, but she was certain they hadn’t taken any missteps.

“Of course, you’d say that.” Lady Milner smiled. “At any rate, take care with Vanbridge. You know what they say, still waters run deep. His seem to run too deep.”

The conversation turned to other matters before Norah could form a reply. Whatever had the lady meant?


Simon entered Brooks’slate that afternoon to meet Marbury. Though he would’ve preferred to meet at the Society offices, Marbury had suggested the club. It was another place Simon rarely visited. He had little in common with the members. Why come to a place when he didn’t enjoy being there?

However, he wanted to speak with Marbury to see if he had any suggestions regarding the search for the coin that Simon hadn’t already tried. His lack of success was wearing on him. Especially when he wanted to return to his other projects.

Though he told himself it was the stolen coin rather than Norah who caused his distraction, he wasn’t completely sure that was true. In fact, he was certain of it. Her stormy blue eyes and sweet curves, not to mention her fierce determination, filled his mind. He’d been certain a day or two away from her would ease his interest, but thus far, it had proven quite the opposite.

To his relief, Marbury was settled at a table with a drink before him. Simon hadn’t relished the idea of sitting alone waiting for him. With his luck, Ludham would’ve shown up and continued his barbs from the other evening.

“Vanbridge.” Marbury nodded as Simon joined him. “Good to see you.”

“Thank you for meeting me.”

“Would you care for a drink?” Marbury glanced around and caught the eye of a waiter who came over directly.

Simon requested coffee.

“You don’t have a fondness for alcohol, do you?” Marbury asked.

“Not especially. I prefer my thoughts to remain clear.” That was one more area where he was different from other men.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I requested Viscount Worley to join us,” Marbury said.

“I saw him at the unveiling but only spoke with him briefly.” Simon had always liked Worley, though he couldn’t claim to know him well.

“He was helpful in the search for the stolen journal,” Marbury continued. “I thought, perhaps, he might have some ideas to aid in the search for the coin.”

“At this point, I will take all the help I can get. That’s precisely why I requested this meeting.” Simon nodded at the waiter who brought his coffee.

They spoke of news from the Society offices until Worley arrived a few minutes later. After exchanging pleasantries, Worley sat and then rubbed his hands together as if in anticipation. “I understand we have another case to solve.”

Marbury chuckled, then glanced at Simon. “Forgive his excitement. He is overdue to go on another exploration trip. Too much time in England makes him restless.”