“Ignore him,” she added as they reached the refreshment room. As if reading Simon’s mind, she collected two flutes of champagne from a liveried footman and handed one to Simon. “I have never liked him, and his ridiculous behavior confirmed it.”

Simon tossed back the drink, wishing it was something stronger. Never mind that he didn’t really like the taste of spirits. “My apologies for subjecting you to that unpleasant encounter.”

“There is no need for you to apologize. I do believe he bumped into us on purpose.”

Simon took a small measure of satisfaction in that. Still, the encounter left him out of sorts. It served as a reminder of the reason he never came to events like this. He was not suited for clever retorts or stimulating conversation.


Simon turned to see Marbury and Ella standing before him.

“Causing a stir at your first ball of the Season?” the earl asked with a teasing smile.

A hot wave of embarrassment washed through Simon. If only he could brush off Ludham’s comments.

“Ignore the viscount,” Ella advised with a sympathetic glance. “He is only jealous because he wasn’t the one dancing with Norah.”

“True,” Marbury confirmed as he shared a look with his betrothed. “He’s been sniffing after the three of you since I had the unfortunate experience of introducing you over a year ago.”

Norah gave a mock shudder. “The man is insufferable.” She tightened her hold on Simon’s elbow. “Now then, let us return to the topic at hand—the stolen coin.”

Simon’s spirits had risen at the feel of her hand on his arm only to plummet at her words, which served as an unwelcome reminder of his ineptitude. He was only there because of the damned coin. Because it had been taken while in his care. This world was not for him, and the evening made that clear.

“We have spoken to several who attended the unveiling, but none have been of any help.” Ella shook her head. “I suppose it’s to be expected since the theft didn’t happen while the guests were there.”

“True,” Marbury said. “We can continue with this course.” He turned to Simon. “Unless you have any suggestions on how else to proceed.”

None, Simon wanted to reply. Because it was the truth. He knew nothing about tracking down stolen artifacts. Yet, with Norah and Ella watching him with hopeful expressions, he wracked his mind for some suggestion, no matter how small.

“I intend to visit with all of the museum employees again tomorrow.” He nearly grimaced at how ineffective the idea sounded.

“That certainly can’t hurt. Has there been any word from the police?” Marbury asked.

“They’ve advised they will watch for the stolen items but suggested they might be difficult to find.” Simon had hoped for more.

Norah’s lips tightened into a thin line. “As Lena said, if we managed to find the journal, we will find the coin. It’s only a matter of persistence and determination.”

“Not to mention a little luck,” Ella added with a smile as if attempting to lighten the mood.

Simon had no experience with luck. Good fortune had turned its back on him more times than he could count. He wouldn’t allow himself to rely on it now. “It seems we have done all we can here tonight. Thank you all for your assistance. I will keep you apprised of any developments.” He quickly said his goodbyes and started toward the door, more than ready to put the evening behind him.

He couldn’t help but pause in the entrance to search for Norah one last time. She visited with Marbury and Ella. He feared the conversation would involve him and his incompetence. With a sigh, he turned away and made his way to the front door to await his carriage.

He had enjoyed the dance with Norah, despite the interruption. The chances of having another with her were nil, as he didn’t intend to go to any additional balls in the future. Not when this one had gone so poorly.

Chapter Nine

Two days later,Norah rose from a chair at an outdoor concert with a sigh. She waited, along with her sisters, for the other guests to file out. The afternoon was a fine one with only a few clouds drifting in the blue sky and a mild temperature.

Despite the enjoyable music and setting, Norah’s mood was shadowed by the lack of information they’d uncovered about the stolen coin. A mix of impatience and frustration filled her and wouldn’t let go.

She could think of little else except the missing coin with one exception—Simon. He had seemed so upset over Ludham’s annoying remarks at the ball. The fact that he hadn’t been in touch since then concerned her.

“That was wonderful, though I do think Lena is better at playing the harp,” Ella whispered as she leaned close.

“I am of the same opinion,” Norah agreed with a smile.

Lena shook her head but smiled in return. “Playing in our private music room is completely different than performing at an event like this. My nerves would overcome me.”