“Wasn’t the purpose of this evening to spread news of the stolen coin? If so, we don’t need him to do that.” Lena glanced around. “You standing here by yourself certainly doesn’t help share the news.”

“I wanted to wait to do so until the marquess arrived,” Norah said in her own defense. “As you know, he rarely attends balls. I intended to lend my support.”

Lena watched her more closely. “Is it my imagination or are you becoming rather smitten with the marquess?”

“Good heavens, no.” Norah shook her head, doing her best to hide her feelings from her intuitive sister. Lena was far too adept at sensing such things. “Nothing of the sort. My focus is on finding the coin. Not on Vanbridge.” Thank goodness there was no sign of Simon or she might’ve been caught in the lie.

“Hmm.” Lena appeared unconvinced but didn’t press the matter. She reached out to squeeze Norah’s arm. “We were able to locate the journal, and we will do the same with the coin.”

Norah studied her expression, deciding Lena was thinking positively rather than sharing a feeling she had. Still, Norah appreciated her confidence. “I hope so.” She glanced once more toward the entrance, then turned away, resigned to proceeding without him. “I suppose if he’s not coming, we should begin with our plan.”

“We may have spoken too soon.” Lena nudged Norah, her gaze fastened on something just past Norah’s shoulder. “Doesn’t he look handsome this evening?”

Norah turned to see for herself, even as the now familiar tingling sensation swept along her skin. Her breath caught at the sight of Simon standing in the doorway, surveying the ballroom with a decidedly undecided expression. Would he stay?

His black evening attire fit him well, revealing his lean strength. His green eyes were enhanced by the dark attire, and his brown, wavy hair brushed to one side.

Norah’s heart skipped a beat at his handsome appearance, only to stop completely when his gaze met hers. The relief in the depths of his eyes melted her heart and made her pleased she’d waited for him.

He ignored others who stared in surprise at his appearance and walked directly toward her. Norah was grateful for Lena’s presence at her side or the gossip would begin with his single-mindedness so apparent.

“Good evening, my lord,” Norah said as she curtsied.

He bowed, his body stiff. “And to you.” Only then did he seem to realize Lena stood beside her. “Miss Wright.”

Lena curtsied, an amused smile playing about her lips. “Good evening, Vanbridge.”

Simon bowed, then glanced around, obviously uncomfortable. “My apologies for my tardiness. Have you already started speaking with some of the guests?”

“Yes, a few,” Norah said, holding back the urge to take his arm to lend him further support. He was a grown man and didn’t require her assistance. “I thought it best to wait until you arrived.”

He took a deep breath, seeming to brace himself. “Who do you suggest we speak with first?”

“Why don’t we make our way around the perimeter and see who we come across first?” Lena suggested.

“Very well,” Simon agreed despite a frown. “Please lead the way.”

“Of course.” Lena glanced at Norah and then started forward. “I see Lady Stewart. Shall we begin with her?”

“Excellent idea.” Norah did her best to push aside the delight Simon’s presence brought and focus on the task at hand.

The trio slowly made their way around the ballroom, conversing with those they’d seen at the unveiling, along with a few others they considered friends. Simon was quiet for the most part. Those who recognized him were obviously surprised by his presence.

Norah felt the questioning looks from some of those they spoke with. No doubt they thought it odd that Norah and Lena weren’t upset with Simon over the theft of the coin since it had been taken while in his care. Those looks made her pleased Simon was there.

She mentioned the coin had been in a locked case numerous times with the hope to make it clear that Simon had not been careless. He received more than a few questions about whether anything else had been taken.

Simon responded politely, though he didn’t expand on the topic. Yet the more people they spoke with, the more apparent was his upset.

“I say, Vanbridge, perhaps you need better locks if the coin was so easily taken,” Lord Burton said. He was an older gentleman and a member of the Royal Geological Society.

“We are certainly looking into that.” Simon’s nostrils flared in response, and soon a muscle twitched along his jaw.

Within the hour, Norah was having difficulty holding back her anger as well. “No one is helpful in the least. Why do they think we want their advice?”

Simon smiled, the first in some time. “I find it frustrating, too.”

Lena sighed. “I am ready to think of something else, if only for a few minutes.” She glanced over the crowd, her gaze catching on someone in the distance. “I see a friend near the refreshment table. If the two of you will excuse me.” Then she paused to look between Simon and Norah. “Why don’t the two of you relax and enjoy yourselves for a few minutes? Perhaps a dance is in order.”