He smiled, meeting her gaze at last. “That is excellent news.”

“It is, yes. I don’t have an exact amount yet, but I do think all parties involved will be happy with the outcome.” Except for Mr. Stockton. He’d worn a scowl most of the night. Norah had caught him glaring at the guests more than once, though she couldn’t imagine the reason. She was beginning to wonder why Simon kept the man employed. “Hopefully, many of the guests will return to the museum and recommend it to friends.”

“That should make Vanbridge happy.”

The mention of Simon brought him to the forefront of her thoughts. Again. Heat filled her cheeks as her mind flooded with the memory of their kiss. What a kiss it had been—everything she’d dreamed of and more. So different than the other two she’d endured. Thinking of it sent a flutter to her stomach and warmth through her entire body.


She glanced over to see her grandfather staring at her with a puzzled expression, making her realize her thoughts had gotten away from her. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I asked what you thought of Vanbridge.”

“Oh.” It was all she could do to keep from pressing a hand to her hot face. “He seems nice enough.” Handsome, shy, and incredibly thoughtful. Luckily, she managed to keep all that to herself. “He is clever and creative. Almost an artist of sorts. The exhibit allowed the guests to have a view of Father’s work, unlike anything I could have dreamed.” She caught herself as she realized she was getting carried away on a topic her grandfather didn’t want to hear about.

She shook her head. “I know you don’t care about the details. Suffice it to say that he did an excellent job. We’re pleased with his efforts.”

“Now you’ve made me curious. And it’s not that I don’t care.”

“I know.” Well, she sort of knew. He cared about her and her sisters. Just not her father. At times, it was difficult to understand the distinction. From what Ella had told her, Grandfather had admitted his own behavior had played a role in his only child eloping with David Wright. But that changed little from what Norah saw. The duke still seemed to resent their father.

“I’m sure you’re relieved to have it behind you.”

Norah bit back a sigh. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel much relief. While she’d done all she could to honor her father’s memory, her guilt had yet to lift. She feared Simon was right, and she needed to tell her sisters what had happened with her father. But how could she?

“At the very least, I’m pleased you won’t have to associate with the marquess anymore. One never knows the true manner of a man who keeps to himself as much as Vanbridge does.”

Norah clenched her hands at her sides as she tried to hold back the urge to defend Simon. But she couldn’t. “I found him to be a most pleasant gentleman.” So pleasant that she couldn’t get him out of her thoughts.

“I believe that makes you one of only a handful of people who think so. At any rate, thank you for sharing your impressions of the evening.” He smiled, something to which she was still becoming accustomed.

“My pleasure. I will leave you to your work.” With a curtsy, she left her grandfather to his thoughts, hoping she’d shared enough to make him want to see the exhibit for himself and reconsider his opinion of Simon. Whether he’d admit to doing so remained to be seen.

She returned to her bedroom, deciding to send a message to Simon despite her grandfather’s concern. It was important to see the event through to the end, which meant learning how much money had been raised for the orphanage. As she penned a note requesting a meeting for the following day, she shook her head. This was only an excuse to see him one more time.

Hopefully by then, she’d have her emotions better under control. Never mind how delighted she was at the prospect of looking into those thoughtful green eyes or witnessing that slow smile. Would there be an opportunity to share one last kiss?


Simon told himselfto ignore Norah’s message. To allow her to assume he’d forgotten her request to meet. Yet at two o’clock the following afternoon, he arrived at the museum just as she’d asked. What had happened to his absent-mindedness?

Norah Wright. That was what.

The entire morning, he’d watched the clock he’d had Fletcher put on his desk. Now, as he hurried up the stairs to the front door of the museum, he couldn’t deny a simmering excitement at the thought of speaking with her.

It was only because he hadn’t expected to do so again now that the unveiling was complete. If only he could stop thinking about their kiss.

However, given the fact that he had no intention of attending balls or other functions, it was unlikely that he’d come upon her ever again. Was it so wrong to take this one last opportunity to be with her?

He nodded at several people entering the building in addition to a few who were leaving. More people were milling about inside than he’d seen in a long while. The clerk who took the entrance fees nodded at him before returning his attention to the queue of people waiting to purchase tickets.

Simon smiled. He needed to thank Norah for the influx of visitors. Perhaps they should hold unveilings more often. He took the stairs only to pause when he reached the floor of her father’s exhibit, nodding at Norah’s servants, who stood outside of the entry.

The blue velvet curtain had been removed, leaving the exhibit visible. Several people were viewing it, speaking in hushed tones as museum visitors so often did.

His gaze caught on the feminine form standing just inside the wide doorway. Norah wore a green gown today with a small black hat and looked beautiful. She watched the nearly half a dozen guests who studied her father’s exhibit rather than the exhibit itself, making Simon wonder at her thoughts. Then her gaze shifted to him, as if she felt the weight of his regard.

Her smile was one of such genuine pleasure that his chest clenched in response. This lady posed a serious threat to his peace of mind. The realization concerned him.