The air left Norah’s lungs in a whoosh, leaving her feeling as if the balloon had been pricked, sending her flying back to the ground and sorely disappointed.

“Unfortunate,” Simon whispered, then stepped away to pull back the curtain. “What is it, Stockton?”

“The guests are beginning to arrive.”

“Thank you. We’ll be down directly.” Simon continued to hold the curtain as he turned back to Norah. “Are you ready?”

No, she wanted to say. Not until she had that kiss. But how could she protest when he acted like nothing was amiss?

Instead, she nodded. “Of course.” This was for the best. After all, she wasn’t looking for a romantic entanglement.

Norah led the way out of the room, still wishing they’d had two more minutes. Simon’s whispered word echoed in her mind.Unfortunate. Perhaps she wasn’t the only one who regretted the interruption.


Simon watched Norahfrom across the room as she reviewed final instructions with Stockton. If only they’d had a few more minutes, he would’ve kissed that lovely pink mouth of hers. To his surprise, he realized how much he wanted to. Would he have the chance to do so again or was it a moment lost forever?

Yet it was so much more than that. Norah was clever and intelligent. He enjoyed their conversations. When he was with her, he didn’t feel inadequate or out of place.


Simon startled at the sound of his name to see the Earl of Marbury approach. “Marbury.” He extended his hand, pleased to see him.

“It’s a pleasure.” The earl shook his hand. “You haven’t been at the Royal Geological Society meetings of late.” His dark hair was clipped short as usual, and his hazel eyes were warm as he handed a footman his hat and gloves.

“My time has been taken with several projects of late,” Simon replied. While that was true, he needed to make more of an effort to attend at least one or two of the meetings and lectures held each month. Mrs. Fletcher would certainly be pleased if he did. She often told him he spent too much time alone at home. “Perhaps I’ll be free for one in the coming days.”

Marbury was one of the few men whose company Simon enjoyed. He knew him from their university days, though the earl was two years older. He was intelligent and listened to others’ opinions rather than just sharing his own. His broad shoulders and thick chest were something Simon envied, though he’d been pleased when Miles, his valet, insisted his suit coat be let out in the shoulders for this evening. Boxing was proving to have numerous benefits.

“I’m somewhat surprised to see you here this evening,” Simon said as he watched another carriage arrive through the window. “I read the article you wrote last year on Wright’s work. You cast him in a rather unfavorable light.”

Marbury grimaced. “I did, indeed. However, there’s a story behind that. Perhaps next time we cross paths at the Society offices, I can share it. Did you see the additional article I wrote regarding the reasons why he continued his search?”

“I can’t say that I did.”

“I’ll send over a copy.” Marbury turned as two blonde-haired beauties entered the museum. They both smiled at Marbury and walked directly to him.

One of them greeted Marbury as she took his offered arm. “Leo.”

Simon could only stare in disbelief at the two ladies, struck by their likeness to Norah. Feeling a presence at his elbow, he glanced over to see she had joined them. “How many of you are there?”

Norah laughed, then looked at her sisters. “May I introduce you to the Marquess of Vanbridge, who owns this wonderful museum. Vanbridge, these are my sisters, Ella and Lena.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Ella, the lady who held Marbury’s arm, said. “I cannot wait to see the exhibit you’ve created. Norah refused to tell us a thing about it.”

“She said she wants it to be a surprise,” the younger lady, Lena, added with a smile. “I rather like surprises.”

“I hope this is a pleasurable one,” Simon said.

“This Miss Wright has agreed to become my countess.” Marbury shared a tender look with her.

“Congratulations to you both.” Even Simon could see how much the pair cared for one another.

Before they could speak further, more guests arrived. Simon stepped back, relieved Norah and her sisters, along with Marbury, were there to greet them. While he recognized many, that didn’t mean he wanted to speak with them.

Within the next fifteen minutes, the entrance hall and reception room filled with people. Simon soon felt the familiar uncomfortable feeling he experienced at social events. He made an effort to speak with a few acquaintances, including Viscount Worley, but did his best to stay out of the way. He much preferred the attention be on the Wright sisters.

The three were a vision separately, but together were even more stunning. They looked remarkably similar with pale blonde hair and heart-shaped faces. There was no denying they were sisters who held a deep affection for one another.