“I’m not suggesting a ball or anything. This would be smaller, perhaps fifty guests. I’ll take care of the details. You need only prepare the exhibit with the same care and attention that you used with the other exhibits.” She looked at him expectantly. “What do you think?”

“As long as I don’t have to attend.” He shifted in his chair as if uncomfortable.

“You have to be there. The Earl of Marbury will come, of course, as well as numerous members of the Royal Geological Society.”

“I nearly forgot Marbury and your sister are soon to be married.”

“Yes. I hope my grandfather will attend the unveiling, though I can’t promise that.” She bit her lower lip, nearly certain it would be impossible to convince him to go.

“The Duke of Rothwood?”

“Yes.” She held her breath as she watched him mull over the possibilities. “Think of the benefits the exhibit and gathering could provide for the museum. We’d like to raise funds for The City of London’s Orphanage. Perhaps some of the children could be given a special tour of the museum as well. Please say you’ll do it.”


Simon feared hewas sunk as he looked into Norah Wright’s stormy blue eyes filled with such hope. How could anyone refuse her anything? He sighed, thinking perhaps all was not lost. “I don’t see how my presence would benefit—”

Miss Wright shook her head before he could complete his argument. “I need you.” Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink. “I mean, we need you there. At the party. That’s what I meant.”

He studied her uncomfortable expression, trying to understand what else she thought she’d implied. He reviewed the conversation and latched onto the part where she’d said,“I need you.”

His body flushed just like her cheeks. He wasn’t accustomed to being around women. The few interactions he’d had at social functions over the years had been painfully awkward, something he’d been relentlessly teased over. The subtle remarks and innuendos used by members of thetonwere often lost on him.

Based on Miss Wright’s embarrassment, her comment had merely been a slip of the tongue.

He frowned as the thought of kissing her took hold. Blast it. The last thing he needed right now in addition to an exhibit to plan was a woman to distract him. He had research to complete and carvings to analyze. He flexed his still healing hands, realizing another bout with the boxing bag was in his future.

He forced himself to meet her gaze. This was business. Nothing more. After all, she was Rothwood’s granddaughter and, therefore, no one with whom he should dally. Not that he dallied with anyone.

His lack of experience with women covered the entire realm of female companionship, from flirting to the bedroom. It was one more area of his life where he felt completely out of depth. He’d even failed when his late cousin had taken him along to a brothel, resulting in even more ribbing.

Simon was meant to be alone. Of that, he had no doubt. The loved ones in his life had been taken from him. Forming an association of any sort would only end in heartache. He’d had more than his fill of that.

“I would rather not attend.” He heard the surly note in his tone, not so different from a lad told to eat the vegetables on his plate. He couldn’t help it. The thought of going to any gathering put a knot in the pit of his stomach. People would want to speak with him when he had nothing to say.

“I would be there with you if that is of any reassurance.”

He stared at her for a moment, realizing it did help, much to his surprise. “I will consider it,” he offered with reluctance.

“Thank you. Now then, how soon will the exhibit be ready?”

Relieved to return the conversation to the exhibit, he considered the work that would have to be done. They settled on holding the unveiling in two weeks.

“Thank you, my lord,” Miss Wright said as she rose. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you’ve agreed.” Her beaming smile had him catching his breath. “I look forward to seeing what you create. I’ll be in touch in a few days to confirm some of the details. You won’t regret this.”

Unfortunately, he already did. But he was certain he could find a way to escape the unveiling.

One bright note was that he’d be seeing more of Miss Wright. That was enough to have him smiling even after she departed.

Chapter Three

“Well, my lord?”the butler asked as he closed the door behind Simon when he returned home from the meeting.

“Well, what?” Simon was confused by the servant’s question as he handed him his hat and gloves.

“Will we be having any visitors today?”

“Of course not. Why would we?”