“Keep thinking, Vanbridge.” Worley strode forward to clasp his shoulder. “I will do the same.” His eyes narrowed. “I think you’re making a mistake by not involving Miss Wright. She might have an idea we haven’t considered. Think about it. I’ll be in touch.” With a nod, he was gone.

Simon sighed. He didn’t need anything more to think on when his mind was already filled to the brim. Did he dare send a message to Norah? If so, what would he say?

He missed her with a deep ache. His life wasn’t the same without her. She was a warm, caring person who made him rethink his future plans.

He’d lost nearly every person he’d ever loved over the years. The thought of risking that again was nearly more than he could bear. But even more disturbing was not having the bright light of her in his world.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Are you certainhe’s here?” Lena asked as their carriage pulled up before Simon’s museum less than an hour later.

“No.” But Norah knew Simon well enough to think it unlikely that he remained home with all that had happened. If he was truly closing the museum, it would be a monumental task. “But he most likely is.”

“Do you think he needs to know what you heard right away?” Lena asked. “Would it be better if you sent a message?”

Norah knew her sister worried that speaking with Simon would be upsetting. Lena was right. It would be. Even the thought of seeing him made her chest ache so much that she could barely breathe. But if what she’d overheard might help, she had to tell him as soon as possible.

James, the footman, opened the carriage door and assisted Norah to step out. She glanced at Lena. “You’re welcome to wait. This won’t take long.”

“Nonsense. Dorothy and I will join you.”

James knocked on the locked museum door several times before someone came to see what they wanted. Norah explained that she needed to speak to Simon regarding an urgent matter.

“Allow me to see if he’s available,” the young man said and hurried up the stairs.

Though tempted to simply follow him, as waiting seemed ridiculous, Norah remained in place. She wasn’t brave enough to seek out Simon without his agreement. Not when he’d already bid her such a final goodbye. The thought knotted her stomach. Perhaps this hadn’t been a good idea after all.

Before she could tell Lena, the young man returned to advise them Simon waited for them upstairs.

Reminding herself that this was business, nothing more, didn’t help. She wasn’t certain if she could talk past the lump of emotion that nearly choked her, part anger and part hurt. She hadn’t forgiven him for telling her goodbye.

Lena looped her arm through Norah’s and offered a smile. “We’ll get through this together.”

Norah nodded. Yet her steps slowed as their escort gestured toward the room where the pre-Columbian exhibit was. She wished she could wipe the turmoil surging inside her from her expression before she stepped inside. But based on the way she felt, that wasn’t possible.

Would it be so terrible if he knew how she felt? Or would that only make him feel sorry for her?


She jerked her gaze to Lena’s, realizing she’d halted just outside the doorway, even as her thoughts whirled. How silly of her when she was the one who’d wanted to come here. This wasn’t about her, but the missing artifacts. With a deep breath to regain her balance, she let go of Lena to walk forward where Simon stood just inside the room.

She drank in the sight of him. It seemed like it had been weeks rather than days since she’d last seen him. He looked wonderful, if tired.


Tingles ran along her skin at her name on his lips and the flash of emotion in his eyes.

“Did you receive my message?” he asked, one brow raised in surprise.

“No.” She glanced at Lena before looking back at him. “We haven’t been home for several hours.”

His brow furrowed. “Oh? Then how did you come to be here?”

Norah licked her suddenly dry lips. Why was it that looking at him stole her thoughts?

She cleared her throat. “Lena and I happened to be at the Museum of Archaeological Findings and overheard something we wanted to share.”

Now he looked truly perplexed.