“Marbury and I felt the same way when looking for David Wright’s journal. Then when we least expected it, the situation quickly changed.”

“I hope that is the case soon. I’m running out of ideas.”

“Persistence is key. Along with patience.”

“My patience is in short supply, as well.”

“We have a plan for tomorrow at the very least. I’ll return to see if I can speak with any of the neighbors while you talk with Emerson.”

“It’s better than nothing.” Simon considered what more could be done.

“Amidst your investigation, don’t forget the ball tomorrow evening,” Worley reminded him.

“I won’t.” While anxious to see Norah, he also wished he had news to share with her.


“Truly?” Norah staredat Worley in disbelief at the Sutton Ball the next evening. The idea of not only seeing Simon but having a moment alone with him was more than she could’ve hoped for.

“Truly.” Worley smiled, his gaze searching hers. “Had I known how much this meant, I would’ve thought of it sooner.”

Norah and Lena had both been out of sorts since the wedding the previous morning. They nearly hadn’t come this evening, but their grandfather had shooed them out the door, insisting it would be good for them to think of something other than missing Ella.

Now Norah was pleased he had.

“What time is it now?” she asked, wishing she had worn her pin watch.

Worley pulled a silver pocket watch from his waistcoat. “You have a quarter of an hour to prepare yourself.”

Thank goodness the meeting time was nearly upon them. Otherwise, she would’ve been hounding Worley every few minutes for a look at his pocket watch.

“Have I told you how much I adore you?” she asked the viscount, her spirits lifting.

“Not lately, but I forgive you for the lapse,” he teased. “However, we must take care that no one notices. Your new brother-in-law would have my head.” He glanced at Lady Havenby, who visited nearby with friends. “Need I remind you that you could face ruin if caught?”

“I won’t be.” She didn’t want to risk ruin. However, having a few minutes with Simon was just what she needed. She wanted to know if there were any new developments with the coin, but that wasn’t the only reason she longed to see him.

“If anyone is out there other than Vanbridge, you’ll return inside immediately. I’ll wait by the door to keep watch.”

She nodded, feeling confident that nothing would go wrong. The evening was young, and though the terrace doors stood open to let in the cool air, it wasn’t so warm in the ballroom that people needed a breath of fresh air. “Shall we?”

Worley looked around as if to make certain no one watched them, but given the size of the crowd, it was impossible to tell.

After nodding at Lady Havenby, Norah took his arm, pretending he’d asked her to dance, and they slowly made their way across the room, edging toward the terrace doors. Already her heart hammered in her chest as if bent on escape. She closed her eyes briefly, realizing how much she cared for Simon. This was not simply a friendship. Nor was it a fleeting tendre. What she felt was so much more. In truth, it frightened her.

They were different in many ways. She enjoyed balls and parties and visiting with friends, whereas he would rather remain home. She appreciated history but didn’t immerse herself in it. She’d always been certain she would never marry a man like her father, who was more enamored with the past than the present, let alone the future.

Marriage hadn’t been on her near horizon. She wanted time to enjoy her life before taking a husband. Now she didn’t know what she wanted.

“Miss Wright. Viscount Worley,” Lady Clara said with a broad smile. “I hope you’re both enjoying the evening.”

“We are. And you?” Norah nearly groaned in frustration. She didn’t want to be delayed by the lady when it was such a challenge to escape her. Norah needed to take care to make certain Lady Clara didn’t see her step out to the terrace alone. She might follow. Or worse, she might feel compelled to bring it to someone’s attention.

“I am.” Lady Clara glanced over her shoulder to where her mother visited with another guest. “Though I hoped more people would attend.”

Norah frowned, wondering who she wanted to come but hadn’t. “It’s still early. Perhaps more will arrive. I’m surprised you’re not dancing.”

“As am I.” Her disgruntled tone caused Norah to share an amused look with Worley.