“Interesting in what way?” Ella nudged her with an elbow.

“In various ways.” Norah did her best to look innocent. “His appreciation of history is admirable.”

“Do not try to tell us you enjoy spending time with him because of his interest in history.” Lena shook her head. “We won’t believe you.”

“There is much to admire about him.” Norah didn’t want to be more specific than that. Saying more might reveal too much, especially when her sisters knew her so well. “But I am in no rush to form an attachment to anyone.” Why did she feel like it was already too late? The realization caused a hitch of panic in her throat.

Lena smiled. “Good. Because I am not ready to lose both my sisters.”

“I don’t think Grandfather is ready to lose more of us either,” Norah said. “He seems rather forlorn about your wedding. Especially at dinner this evening.”

Ella shook her head. “I don’t know what more Leo and I can do to reassure him. We’ve promised to visit often. And we intend to invite you to dinner soon after our return.”

“It will take time for all of us to adjust.” Lena bit her lip as tears filled her eyes once again. “I just can’t imagine you not being here if I need you.”

“I’ll be here,” Norah reminded her. “I hope you know I will need you, as well.” She and Lena had always been close. Then again, so had the three of them, despite Ella being four years older.

“I know we came to London with the hope of finding suitable matches, but I never thought I’d be the first to marry.” Ella sniffed and shook her head, seemingly still puzzled by the fact.

“But you’re the eldest,” Lena protested.

Ella gave a wry smile. “Yes, but I intended to see both of you happily settled before I worried about my own future. I feel rather selfish for marrying before either of you.”

“Nonsense.” Norah drew a deep breath, hoping to reassure Ella as she wanted her sister’s wedding day to be perfect. “You have set a fine example for us to follow. Though the chances of us finding someone as perfect for us as Marbury is for you seems impossible.”

Ella laughed, just as Norah wanted. “He is perfect, isn’t he?” She held both hands over her cheeks as if to hide the heat in them. “We are going to be very happy together.”

“Yes, you are. Now then, you need a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day.” Norah gave Ella another hug. “Lena and I will join you early to help you dress.”

“Thank you. I love you both so much.” Ella embraced them each again. “We should all try to get some rest.”

At last, Norah settled in bed. Only then did she let the tears fall. Their lives were changing so quickly, and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. Then again, nothing felt like it was in her control. Telling herself to simply enjoy each day no longer felt like enough.

When she’d argued with her father that final morning not so long ago, she’d told him she wanted to experience life rather than be stuck on the island. But never had she expected so much to happen so quickly or so drastically. First his death, then their arrival in London, and now Ella marrying. She was almost worried about what might happen next.

The question brought Simon to mind, as so many of her thoughts did of late. Was there any chance of a future for them? Or should she simply try to enjoy her time with him because it would soon pass?

She had to admit that she saw marriage in a whole new light when she imagined Simon at her side. They had many interests in common, and they were both curious people who liked to learn new things. But she could also see them enjoying some activities on their own rather than doing everything together. In her mind, they could have the perfect partnership—friends and lovers.

Hope burned bright in her chest, and she turned onto her side and cradled that feeling, wondering once again what the coming weeks might bring.


“Are you ready?”Simon asked Miles and Jarvis as he exited from the carriage a short distance from the front of the museum late that night.

“Yes, my lord.” Miles seemed quite confident, which helped to allay Simon’s worry. It seemed silly to be concerned about entering his own museum after hours, but he couldn’t help it after what happened last time.

He had to think Jarvis felt the same. He turned to the driver. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait with the carriage? Guarding it is also important.”

“Not at all, my lord.” His fierce expression was just visible in the dim light. “If I have the chance to pay back whoever hit us, I’ll gladly take it.”

Simon clapped him on the shoulder. “As will I, though I don’t think we’ll be lucky enough to come across that person this time. We shall see. Let’s go.”

He led the way down the street toward the entrance and retrieved the key from his pocket as they hurried up the steps. After unlocking the door and stepping inside, he paused to listen, Miles and Jarvis doing the same. The silence was complete. Then again, it had been the night they’d been injured as well.

This time, he didn’t rush up the stairs. Norah wasn’t waiting for him to meet her this evening. Instead, he continued to listen as he climbed the steps. The quiet made him feel ridiculous for bringing reinforcements.

Miles tried several doors on their way up and found them locked, just as they should be. They arrived at the upper level, and Simon walked directly to Stockton’s desk.