“Where to next, my lord?” Jarvis asked when Simon returned to the carriage. The driver seemed to be feeling more like himself, as well, much to Simon’s relief.

Simon considered the question for a long moment. The temptation to return home was strong, but he wouldn’t find the coin there. He gave Jarvis the name of another museum.

At the very least, he could continue to spread the idea of the list of museums in addition to the stolen items. That could gain a reaction.

Though he might not be able to tell if any of those with whom he spoke were the guilty party, perhaps his visit would make them nervous. Nervous people made mistakes. That was the best he could do until a better idea came to mind.


Norah studied theflower she was embroidering, pleased she and Lena were nearly done with the fine linen nightrail for Ella. Norah was embroidering small pink flowers along the neckline while Lena was doing larger ones along the hem. Ella was going to be thrilled when they gave it to her as one of her wedding gifts.

It was a challenge to find time to work on it when Ella wasn’t nearby. She was currently shopping with Lena and would soon return home, which meant Norah needed to work as quickly as possible.

“Miss Norah?”

She looked up to see Davies in the doorway of the drawing room. “Yes?”

“Lady Mendenhall is calling.”

Norah stilled in surprise. She couldn’t comprehend why the countess would call on her. Because of Simon, obviously. But to what purpose? Curiosity had her setting aside the needlework. “Please show her in.”

Too late, she glanced down at her gown, wishing she had worn a different one. Without a doubt, she knew the countess would be finely dressed in the latest fashion, as she always was. Lady Havenby had warned her there would be days like this, and she should always be prepared for unexpected visitors. Norah should’ve listened. Yet it was difficult to worry over such things when they received so few callers.

Norah lifted her chin. She would act like the duke’s granddaughter. What she wore didn’t change who she was.

“The Countess of Mendenhall,” Davies announced a few minutes later.

As Norah had expected, the countess was dressed beautifully in a striped silk gown in shades of blue and brown with brown braid trim. The overskirt was drawn back into a bustle to reveal a cream lace underskirt. Her dark hair was pulled into an elaborate chignon with three long, perfect curls draped over one shoulder. She’d obviously taken a long time with her appearance.

The sight did not improve Norah’s mood. Not for a moment did she believe this was truly a social call. She hadn’t cared for the lady before this and had the feeling she would like her even less afterward. Still, she dropped into a curtsy and offered a smile. “Good afternoon, my lady.”

Lady Mendenhall’s gaze swept over Norah, her lip curling in displeasure before she glanced about the room. She gave the barest of nods. “Isn’t it?”

Assuming the question was rhetorical, Norah moved on to the true question. “To what do I owe the honor of your visit?”

The lady walked forward slowly. “It has come to my attention that you’ve become acquainted with my cousin.”

Norah lifted a brow. Based on the woman’s cool tone, she wouldn’t have anything good to say about Simon. Norah had no intention of encouraging her to speak poorly of him.

“Vanbridge tends not to keep friends for long.” Lady Mendenhall shook her head as if resigned. “He is not exactly an interesting conversationalist.”

“I disagree. My talks with him have been fascinating.” Norah couldn’t have halted the urge to defend him if her life depended on it. “He was kind enough to arrange for an exhibit of my father’s findings on Oak Island at his museum, which was met with great success.”

The lady’s brown eyes narrowed. “You mean except for the stolen coin. I would’ve thought that alone would have been cause for concern. I hate to think his lack of attention caused something of yours to disappear.”

“The fact that the coin was stolen while in a locked display case is hardly his fault.”

“Of course, it is. I have requested that he close the museum on numerous occasions, to no avail.”

“I think it would be a shame to close it. The museum, which I understand includes numerous pieces of your father’s collection, is a gift to the public. One of the best museums in the city. It invites those viewing the exhibits to step back in time. It’s an educational resource to be treasured.”

“If one likes dusty relics.” Lady Mendenhall’s disgust was obvious.

Yet Norah couldn’t help but try to change her opinion. “It seems your father certainly did. Many gentlemen are collectors, but it is those who share their treasures with others who should truly be admired.”

“Yes, well, it’s not your private family home where you were raised as a child and holds special memories that the public is traipsing through.”

“I’m sure that must be difficult, but the memories are yours, and no one can take those away,” Norah said in a gentle tone.