Norah practically bouncedon her toes with excitement. “I do believe we’re ready.”

The night of the unveiling had come even more quickly than she’d expected. The preparations had taken up many of her days, but she’d enjoyed every minute. Especially the time she’d spent with Simon, though they’d always been properly chaperoned. He looked so handsome in his black evening attire.

“You have thought of everything.” Simon glanced around the area where the refreshments were being laid out, and numerous liveried footmen stood ready to serve them. Musicians were setting up in another room. His gaze shifted to her, causing her to smooth her white, elbow-length gloves along her gown.

She’d worn one of her favorites, a shimmering blue-green satin with an elongated bodice that she hoped lengthened her small stature. It annoyed her to be the shortest of her sisters.

Her pale hair was swept up into an elegant coil with three long ringlets left to brush one shoulder. The overskirt was a shade deeper and draped into a modest bustle in the back. The neckline of the gown was one of the more daring she owned. In all honesty, she’d selected it with the hope of catching Simon’s eye.

Had she succeeded? It was impossible to tell for certain, though she liked to think his gaze lingered on her already this evening.

“I hope so.” Worry that a detail had slipped past her was concerning, but she released the unease as best she could. If she’d forgotten anything, it was too late to fix it. The guests would start arriving within a half hour. “What truly matters is the exhibit. That is the cake of the evening. Everything else is frosting.”

Simon smiled, something which never failed to cause her stomach to dance. First, the smile lit his eyes. Then his mouth slowly curled upward, one corner at a time, as if he wasn’t used to the action. His careful thoughtfulness made her wonder how he did other things, such as waltzing.

However, it was unlikely she’d ever know since he didn’t attend balls. In fact, she was sad their time together was coming to an end. After this evening, there would be few reasons for them to see one another. She liked him in spite of, or perhaps because of, his idiosyncrasies. He was so different from the men she’d met since coming to London. She’d had true conversations with him on a variety of topics rather than simply listening to him talk about himself or enduring him outrageously flirting.

“Let us check the exhibit one last time,” she suggested.

“Of course.” He followed her up the stairs to the next level where a blue velvet curtain hung over the arched entrance. “Do you have a speech prepared?”

Norah worried her bottom lip. “I do, though I’m not certain it does the exhibit justice.” She drew aside the curtain and sighed with satisfaction. “Then again, I do believe it speaks for itself.”

The display more than honored her father’s work. She might not have been the best daughter, but she liked to think this helped to make amends. Her sisters would appreciate it as much as she did.

Simon joined her in the exhibit area, then stepped forward to adjust the map as if it wasn’t perfectly straight. He seemed as determined as she was to make everything perfect. He’d added several more items, including lanterns—rusty, well-used ones—similar to what her father had used. They added to the setting with their warm glow and also provided more lighting for the artifacts in the locked display case and the posters on the walls.

“I can’t thank you enough, Vanbridge.” Norah placed a hand on his arm, wanting him to know how appreciative she was of his efforts.

“The pleasure has been mine.” He briefly touched her hand, the gesture catching her by surprise. “Why don’t you call me Simon? Vanbridge still makes me think of my uncle.”

“Simon.” She took a deep breath as she looked into his eyes. A spell seemed to fall over them as they stood in the quiet room, the curtain giving them a small measure of privacy. “If you’ll call me Norah.”

“Norah.” He drew out the syllables slowly in his deep voice. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever heard.

Her gaze fell to his lips, wondering what she could do to convince him to kiss her. He was too tall for her to simply lift on her toes. Or was he?

She took a step forward to stand directly before him. Unable to resist, she brushed an imaginary piece of lint from his lapel, then placed both hands on his suit coat. Though numerous layers of fabric separated them, she could still feel the heat of his body.

His gaze swept over her face, as if he were curious what she intended. To her dismay, his hands remained at his sides.

Norah was perplexed. How did she get him to kiss her? She’d had two kisses last summer from two different men. But neither had been to her liking. One had been taken before she’d been prepared. The other had been moist and limp, like kissing a fish. Neither had made her long to repeat the experience and served to confirm that she wasn’t ready for marriage.

Somehow, she knew kissing Simon would be completely different. But apparently, she’d have to take matters into her own hands.

Though nervous, she could practically feel the ticking of a clock inside her. The guests would soon arrive. This might be her only chance, especially when she didn’t know if she’d see him again after this evening.

“Simon?” she whispered.


She licked her lips and swallowed hard, summoning the courage to ask for what she wanted. “I should very much like for you to kiss me.” Heat flooded her face at the admission, and she watched him closely for his reaction.

“Hmm.” His gaze dropped to her lips.

Norah rose onto her toes, hoping to encourage him. Their breath mingled as Simon eased closer. Norah’s entire body felt light, weightless, as if she were drifting in space like a hot air balloon with only her hands on Simon to anchor her.

Then the distinct sound of footsteps on the stairs on the other side of the curtain caught her ears. “My lord?”