Page 74 of Crown of Ashes

“And here I thought you were more of the ‘timid’ type.”

I throw my head back as a laugh rakes through me. “Oh no. I don’t know what timid is.” The ground rumbles. Whatever it is down there, it’s growing closer. “So, what will it be?”

“Neither. I want my bounty, besides your barrier won’t extend below ground. I bet I could dig out before that thing gets here.”

This man is going to force my hand…So be it.

“Tell me, does it like noise?” Balling my fist, I slam it against the invisible barrier between us and it drums out loud, making Asmo cover his ears.

“What are you doing?! You’re going to get us killed,” he whisper-shouts as if the damage hasn’t already been done.

“Us?No… You? Maybe. See that cliff? I’ve gone over the side of it before and lived to tell the tale, and I think my cat could go for a bath. What do you think, Luri?”

She chuckles in my head.“You’ve officially gone mad.”

I slam my fist again, taunting the man inside. “Better hurry.”

Lifting my hand off the invisible wall, I gear up to hit it for the third time, but he cuts me off mid-motion. “Fine! I’ll do it.Fuck!Just stop! I’ll leave you alone.”

A smile curves my lips as I let my hand fall. “See… Was that so hard? But I’m afraid your word isn’t going to cut it. I want blood.” I drop my eyes to his dagger and he follows it, putting two and two together. A sigh escapes his lips as he yanks it from the sheath and slices his hand.

“A deal is a deal.” A crimson line runs down his palm as he presses it to the invisible cage. I slice my own, holding it on the other side, looming over his. Using my foot to knock away the crystals and break the spell, his hand connects with mine, sealing the deal.

“Go on then.Get.”

He shakes his head, jogging off into the woods without a word.

“You’re really going to let him go?”

“God, no. I’m not stupid.”

I mumble in Latin, using his blood on my palm to set a spell into motion. The crimson smear moves, weaving in wisps into the cut on my hand and pushing to the surface, just below the top layer of skin. A symbol of a snake. I show Luri, rubbing at the cut. It itches as the skin knits back together.

“Now I’ll know when he’s nearby. It’ll burn. He won’t get the chance to sneak up on me, and if he’s bold enough to try it… I meant what I said about taking a trophy.”

“Hmmm. Dismemberment. I think you’re right. I’m not sure if you qualify as a hero anymore.”

I stare into her bright yellow eyes. “There are no heroes in this world. Only villains and worse thereof.”