Page 39 of Servant

“You’re having a really weird dream. We’ll talk about it in the morning.” He kissed my shoulder, where my shirt hung down a little bit. “You can go back to sleep. Close those eyes. No more wandering to the woods.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m… This isn’t normal.”

Caesar climbed in next to me a second before Ace did, who drew the blanket back over us. “It was a long day. You learned some very weird, upsetting things. You got bit yesterday. I’m sure it’s all related. Just rest now. Come on. And thank you, Rowan, for waking up. For chasing her outside, for somehow knowing to do that.”

Ace kissed my neck. “You’re okay now.”

“I’m just glad I woke up. I woke up, and I knew that she wasn’t in the house.” Rowan let out a breath. “But she’s back. Everything is fine now.”

It was. Except I still hadn’t gotten to see the stars.

* * *

I wokeup feeling like hell. My head hurt, my joints ached, and I groaned. Caesar rolled over and turned off my phone, stopping the alarm. Ace pretty much pinned me to the bed, with most of his body weight on top of me, by way of his leg slung over me like a vise that was not going to let me up. He hadn’t budged, and his eyes were still closed. I was face down on my stomach. Lifting my head was a lot of effort.

Caesar tugged on the end of my braid. “Wish you didn’t have to get up, but you do. And I’m going to cook you breakfast before you go.”

“What happened last night?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. About three hours ago, you took off out of the house, fast asleep. Heading for the woods. Rowan caught you. It was really a scene. Do you usually sleepwalk?” He played with my hair. It was soothing. I had to be careful, or I was going to go back to sleep.

“I never have. Not that I know of.”

Ace rolled off me, groaning. “How is it already morning?”

I sat up. “Well apparently, I had you guys up all night, so that’s why you’re so tired. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Rowan spoke through his pillow before he lifted his head. “These things happen. We all need to get up to study, since we’ve been banned from school today. We have to learn vampire things.”

I scooted off the bed, my feet hitting the floor with a sting. I stared down at them. Yes, I’d cut them on whatever jaunt I had taken last night. “I’ve never sleepwalked in my life, that I know about. I’ve never woken up where I didn’t go to bed. It’s really strange. I’m—” I cut myself off before I could apologize again. “It might be a good idea to stick me in the other room or something, so I don’t keep you all up.”

“That’s not happening.” Tanner got up and smiled at me. “If you’re going to go through something like that, I’d rather you go through it where I can see to it you’re safe.”

Everyone moaned their way out of bed, and with each one, my guilt rose. They were going to have a long day. I hobbled toward the bathroom. How long until I was just the girl who basically trapped them into hurrying along their destiny and kept them from getting a night’s sleep?

“Hey.” Griffin stopped me before I entered the bathroom. “I can see your feet hurt. Come see me when you get out. I have stuff for sore feet. Runners always do.” He winked at me. “Thanks for putting me to bed last night.”

That was a better memory than the fuzzy sleepwalking I had done. Why had that happened? I brushed my teeth and changed into school clothes before I stuck my hair up in a loose bun that was bound to be a mess in no time, but I didn’t have the wherewithal to do anything else with it right then.

I found the bedroom emptied except for Griffin, who held up bandages. “Come here. I’ll fix your feet.”

That was sweet. I sat down on the edge of his bed, and he examined the cuts causing me pain. Quickly, he got to work with some bandages and antibiotic cream that also had a pain killer in it. “They’re not bad. Just your run of the mill cuts from walking barefoot.” He patted my ankles when he was done. I stared at him, most of my bad mood fleeing. I’d never have imagined this about myself, but I really, really liked him holding my feet. It was almost…sensual.

I swallowed.What is the matter with me?


He squeezed again. “You’re welcome. Oh, and, Maci, happy birthday. Sorry we all grumbled instead of saying that right off the bat. Happiest of birthdays, baby.” He leaned over and kissed me. It wasn’t a gentle peck. No, when Griffin kissed me, the few times he had, he meant it. His tongue stroked over my bottom lip before he pulled me onto his lap.

I kissed him back, every ounce of frustration I’d had since I opened my eyes fleeing in those caresses. He ran his hand up my thigh, squeezing my pant leg. Something crashed in the house, and someone—I was pretty sure it was Tanner—cursed. It sounded like they were downstairs and whatever had broken was glass.

We pulled away, both of us panting a little bit. “Best gift, ever.”

“That wasn’t your gift.” He kissed my cheek. “More like one you just gave to me. Go on downstairs. I’ll be there in a minute.” He thumbed my cheek. “And have a good day at school.”

That was right. I had to do that. I had to go to school.
