“How was the beach?” I asked.
“Cold,” Emmett says.
“Wonderful.” Cameron kisses the side of Emmett’s face. Dom and Shyla funnel into the foyer and look between Cameron and me.
“Are you ready to see your nest?” I ask, and Cameron’s eyes widen.
“It’s done?” He looks over to Dom, who smiles and nods at him.
“Made all the finishing touches today,” Dom says.
“We want your heat to be perfect,” I tell him. I feel like I’m about to cry, but I suck it all in. No crying. We will not cry even if they are happy tears. Fuck, Cameron’s eyes are watery, so now are mine. “You stop it,” I say as he wraps me up in a hug. “Let’s go see it?” I ask him and he nods his head.
I hold Cameron’s hand as we walk into the basement, it’s reminiscent of when he showed me to his nest when he and Dom lived together. This time we’re all together and we built this nest to fit an entire pack.
As soon as I open the door and we walk in, Cameron’s beautiful brown eyes are wide and his hands go to his open mouth. “Holy fuck. Dom?” Dom wraps his arms around him from behind and kisses the side of his face.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it. It’s amazing.” Cameron touches all the materials, all of his favorite textures and the bed is raised, however there is also a floor bed as well, the best of both worlds, Dom called it. I’m very excited that the sex swing seemed to make it into the nest as well. “I still don’t know when my heat will be. I feel fine,” Cameron says.
My Alphas look to me, since this surprise was my idea. “Well, how do you feel about bonding tonight?” I ask, my voice pleading, though I know his answer.
Cameron locks eyes with all of us. “Really? Tonight?” he says hopefully.
“Tonight,” I reply. His lips are on mine before I can say another word.
Chapter 40
Endorphinsarepumpingthroughmy body as Cameron kisses me. His skin is warm to the touch, and he hums against my mouth.
He pulls away, looks at me lovingly, his thumb swiping my cheekbone. “How are we doing this?”
To say I haven’t thought through this scenario at least a million times would be a lie. I’ve thought about it till my brain hurt. Who should bond first? What is fair? What works logistically? We’ve all waited for this moment. There will be individual moments, but we’re all together. This unifies us all.
The brunt of the work goes to Shyla and Dom, since the three of us can’t officially mark each other. Don’t worry, I have plans for us. But deep down in my heart, I knew how it should go. It seems kinda silly to have a lineup of who gets bonded by whom in what order, but it felt right.
“I think you and Dom should bond first, as well as Shyla and Emmett.”
Emmett looks at me with his mouth wide open. “Sugar, no. You’re an Omega. You should be marked first. Not that I don’t want to be marked. I want it more than anything, but you should do this.”
I grab his hand and squeeze. “This is what I want. Then Shyla will mark Cameron and Dom will mark me. Then Dom, you and Shyla and me.”
“You’re sure?” Emmett asks.
“Honestly, this doesn’t feel like a sacrifice, also a deep selfish part of me wants to be able to feel each of you when I bond with that Alpha.”
Cameron is back in my face, kissing me, almost with a feral aggression. He’s hard against my stomach as I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Go. Go get our Alpha,” I whisper as our lips part. He kisses me one more time on the lips. Dom is right next to us. He kisses the side of my face tenderly before taking Cameron’s hand in his and bringing him to the bed. I can’t help but watch as they frantically undress while they attempt to kiss and hold each other at the same time.
I want them to have this moment. I can’t help but feel as though they have waited because of me. Dom could have bonded with Cameron to ease some of his stress. But they held out, they held out for this moment for us to bond together and solidify that we’re a pack.
Fuck, I’m going to cry again.
Emmett grabs the back of my neck. “Come with us,” he says. Another reason I picked this configuration. I knew Emmett would want me to be a part of it. I smile as he leans forward and kisses me gently.
Shyla grabs both of our hands and brings us to the floor bed. I’m only momentarily distracted by the sounds of frantic cock sucking going on, but I’m not able to see who is going down on who. A shame, really.