Page 70 of Too Tempting

“It’s a lot of tit,” I say, motioning my hand to her chest.

“Are you going to be distracted, Dom?” she asks, all sweet. We’re standing in the grass where we just parked the car and are waiting for Emmett and Shyla. I’ve been read the riot act by both Cameron and Kelsey. My plan is to mostly just not interact with Shyla and observe. It’s something I’m great at, with doing security for so long, and if I observe, there’s less chance of something falling out of my mouth that I don’t mean. I can’t afford to fuck this up.

“Something like that,” I reply.

“Don’t worry, there will be so many other boobs out for you to look at as well.”

I grab her by the arm. “I don’t want to look at anyone else’s.” Cameron smirks beside her.

She leans forward so only I can hear. “If you’re a good boy today, I might just let you fuck them.” She leans away, smiling like she didn’t just tell me something dirty. She looks down at her phone and squeaks. “Shyla and Emmett are by the front gates.” I’m focusing my mindset on being positive when it comes to Shyla. After getting coffee with her I don’t feel animosity, but physically sharing my Omegas might prove to be a challenge.

Cameron and I dressed like normal fucking people, but I can’t deny that Kelsey looks stunning in her renaissance garb. Would I be happier if I didn’t have to give death glares all day to anyone who dares to stare at her tits? Sure. But with the beaming smile over her face and how happy she is to have us all together, I’ll do my best to not be a possessive asshole today.

Shyla also decided to dress like a normal fucking person. Emmett, however, is dressed like some pirate, tight black pants, a Zorro like shirt showing off his bare tanned chest and a captain’s hat.

“Oh, no! Captain Hampton, are you here to steal away my virtue?” Kelsey shrills. Clutching her hands against her chest like she’s some innocent maiden.

He acts like his hand is a spyglass and looks through his fist around the crowd and Kelsey. “Aye, no virtue in sight, but those tits will do,” he says back. Pointing his fake sword at her tits. I can’t help myself when I laugh. I look over at Shyla, and she is trying to contain her laughter as well. Kelsey giggles and bounces over to him. The smile on his face when he sees her is radiant. He holds out a hand for Cameron as well. This definitely isn’t Cameron’s ideal date, but he seems to be just as willing as all of us to make Kelsey happy.

She kisses Emmett on the lips. Doesn’t bother me. But when she kisses Shyla, I get a sinking feeling in my gut. It’s so soft as Shyla holds each side of her face. They talk in whispers I can’t hear and they’re both smiling. It gets worse when Cameron comes up to her and they kiss as well. He told me everything that they did together while I was away on business, and while I did my best to be happy for him. I can’t help this overwhelming jealousy that I feel. Does she offer more comfort than I do? Is she able to console them and reassure them in a way I can’t? Will I always be less than? I just don’t understand why Cameron feels more comfortable expressing himself to Kelsey or Shyla than he does me. It makes me feel inferior and I can’t help but take out that frustration on Shyla. We agreed to try, to work together, and not let jealousy put a wedge in this pack. I’ve got to keep it together.

Cameron grabs my hand tightly when he walks back to me, tugging me down so he can whisper in my ear. “Stop comparing yourself.”

I give him a little glare because he’s one to talk. But I nod my head and agree to do my best to not be selfish with my Omegas. Kelsey holds Emmett’s and Shyla’s hands as I hold Cameron’s. Shyla apparently got tickets from work, so she hands the steward our tickets as we walk into the festival. It’s not fall yet, and I worry about everyone getting too hot, but it’s not peak summer either.

“What should we do first?” Kelsey asks. Shyla holds up the schedule and hands it to Kelsey.

“Whatever you want, sweet girl,” she coos at her. I roll my eyes at the pet name. But quickly stop myself as I watch Kelsey beam under her praise. This constant negative thinking isn’t going to help.

As much as I don’t mind when Kelsey calls me a bad boy—I roll my eyes just thinking about it—being in her good category is so much better. Look at how happy she is. She’s basically glowing, being around all of us.I will not ruin this. Cameron seems far more carefree than usual.I will not be a dick.

We wind up watching a craftsman blow glass. Both Cameron and Kelsey are completely transfixed by what the man is doing. The area is filled with his unique creations: vases, cups, pumpkins. He eyes up our pack and grins down at Kelsey as he has his glass in the fire.

“Young lass, would you like to take a blow?” the man says. I growl and I notice Shyla does as well. “Aye, aye. Don’t let your Alphas blow their heads off. Just asking if you would like to turn the glass, lass.”

“Sure!” Kelsey says, standing up, her tits bouncing like a cartoon character and I consider tossing this man into the kiln as he watches. She holds the iron rod that turns the glass vase. The glass looks orange from the heat, but it’s meant to be a bright blue.

“Very good,” the teller says to her. And I’m back to wanting to throw him in the fire again.

“Fucking asshole,” Shyla murmurs under her breath and I can’t help but find myself nodding my head in agreement.

“Do you think you could put this on the side for me to purchase later?” Kelsey asks the man, and he nods and gives her a too friendly smile before looking at her tits, again.

“I told you that dress was too much,” Shyla scolds Emmett.

“Sometimes sacrifices need to be made if I want to stare at her perfect tits all day. I didn’t see you complaining when you first saw her,” Emmett says.

“That was before everyone else at this fucking fair started looking, too.”

“You’ll survive, Alpha,” Emmett says, kissing her cheek.

Kelsey comes back to where we’re sitting. “He’s going to put that on the side for me to pick up before we leave. What next?”

Emmett grins at her. “Methinks the lady needeth a flower crown.” Kelsey claps her hands, and I watch Cameron.

“Do you want a flower crown too, baby?” I ask him.

“Fuck yeah, I want a flower crown,” he says, smiling. I lean down and kiss him. If Cameron can adapt and have fun here, I definitely can.