Page 27 of Too Tempting

I wait till we’re at Chart House. Emmett helps Kelsey out of the car. I tap on the driver’s window. He rolls it down, rolling his eyes and giving me an annoyed look.. I glare at him. “Enzo, you’re dismissed. I’m sure Charlie won’t be pleased to know how you behaved in the presence of an Omega. If you so much as look at her, or try to get a whiff again, I’ll cut off your balls and put them in a jar.” There's a slight bark to my voice and he looks like he might shit himself.

His eyes are wide as I step away from the vehicle and smile at my Beta and Omega, taking both of their hands and walking to the hostess stand.

“Is everything all right?” Kelsey asks me.

“Everything is fine.” I look at the hostess. “Table for three for Shaan.” The hostess nods, grabbing the menus and taking us to my requested table overlooking the river right next to the fireplace. “Perfect, thank you,” I tell the hostess as Emmett pulls out Kelsey’s chair first and then my own.

“So, balls in a jar, huh?” Kelsey says with a slight giggle.

Emmett grins and I look over at her, worried my intensity is too much. “I hope that didn’t bother you?”

“Bother me? Please, I dated someone for two years who wouldn’t tell the guy at Chipotle I wanted more cheese on my burrito bowl. This is my first date and you’re maiming men for me. I approve.”

I smile at her as the waitress comes to our table. “We’ll do a bottle of Dom Perignon and your best Moscato.” I look over at Kelsey. “You like sweet, right?”

“Right,” she says, blushing.

“We’ll start with a dozen oysters, the Ahi, and watermelon carpaccio.” I look over at Emmett and Kelsey. “Is there anything else you would like to start, my sweets?”

“That all sounds good,” Kelsey says.

“I’ll put those orders right in.” The waitress walks away.

“If I’m ever too much, you can tell me,” I say to her. I know that I can be intense, say what comes into my head. That I can have a hot head with people who hurt what is mine. But I know, and Emmett knows, it comes from a place of care. I just hope that Kelsey realizes that.

She puts her hand on top of mine on the table. “You’re what I’ve been looking for.”

It takes me by surprise, and I can’t help it as I lean over and kiss her tenderly. “Thank you,” I say, clearing my throat as the waitress brings our two bottles in chillers and places them on the table. “You’re what we’ve been looking for as well.”

“Champagne or wine?” Emmett asks us both. And when we answer, Emmett pours us each a glass before pouring his own.

Kelsey takes a sip. “Holy shit, this is the best champagne I’ve ever had.” It better be at nearly two hundred and fifty dollars a bottle. With Emmett and I combining our finances, we live an extremely comfortable life.

“Emmett tells me you will be helping him look into his heritage,” I say, impressed that she’s convinced him to be open to it. He’s always shut down when it comes to his family.

“Yes, I ordered the tests already. I hope you don’t mind,” she says sheepishly to Emmett.

“I don’t mind at all. That’s very sweet of you, Kelsey.” His arm wraps around her chair and I smile. They look so good together, we all do. He looks so happy looking down at her. I know that I make Emmett happy too, but sometimes he needs a softness that I can’t provide.

Kelsey sips her Champagne. “What about your family, Shyla?”

“Estranged mostly. I don’t speak to my father and I see my sister and mother on occasion. We’re not close.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” she says.

“You have a brother?” I ask her.

“Harry, he goes by our last name, though. Everyone calls him Smith. He’s actually running security for Deja Fox right now. I’m trying to slither my way into hopefully getting to meet her.”

“Damn, really, Deja Fox?” Emmett says.

“Really, I almost shoved myself in his suitcase so I could go with him. I’m happy I wound up at Sweet Nectar instead.”

“We are too,” I tell her. This time, she leans over the table and kisses me.

I give Emmett a look that shows how badly I want this to work.She’s perfect.

Chapter 10