Page 24 of Too Tempting

“I’m kind of scared of what I might find, honestly.”

“What are you scared of?” I say.

“What if I am that alone? What if there is no one else? What if my family’s pack legacy is just me? How pathetic is that?”

“Hey,” I say, sitting up to face him. “If you’re it, and you’re the last—”


“Hampton out there, then what a legacy that will be. Plus, you make your own family, Emmett. Start your own, it doesn’t end with you, it’s just beginning. If you’d like, we can do the tests together?”

“You’d do that?”

“Of course. Summer of orphanism needs to stay together.”

He laughs, pulling me closer. “Kelsey, never change.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Good,” he kisses my hair and Emmett’s grip tightened on my waist with promises of this going further. I tilt my head back, so I can meet his mouth. The glow of the different exterior light’s beam against his face and I can’t help but feel warmth rushing through me as I look at him.

“Hey! No one was answering the door,” a voice says, making me jump out of my seat slightly.

“Shit,” Emmett says, getting up. “Sorry, man, thanks for bringing it back.” Emmett walks over to the gate, taking the bag of food and bringing it back over to where we’re sitting. His phone buzzes and he looks down at the message and sighs. “I have to get back home after this. But we have our date Wednesday, right?”

“Right,” I say, smiling, the reality setting in about being home alone for the night. I did it last night, but it was hard. I could barely sleep. It’s ridiculous these fears I have. But I am an unbonded Omega living alone. I know I have the security system set up, but I can’t help the fear and the overwhelming sense of being alone that comes at night.

“Hey,” Emmett says. “Are you okay being here?” He tips my chin to look at him. I give him a weak smile and nod.

“Yeah, just sad the day is over.”

“Me too,” he says, leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

Emmett’s embrace is warm and tight as he hugs and kisses me by the back gate. “I wish I could stay, Sugar. Shyla’s been working on a rough case and needs me home.”

“I understand,” I say.

“If you ever need one of us to come over or to stay at ours, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thanks, Emmett.”

“Wednesday,” he says, kissing me one more time.


I make sure all the doors and windows are locked before hiding in my nest for the night. I haven’t cleaned, so Shyla’s scent is over everything. There are hints of Emmett’s cologne that hit me now and then. For some reason, it all settles me and the fears don’t creep in. My phone buzzes and I smile widely when I see the name.

Chapter 9

Wineglassinhand,I sip the cool glass. The white wine is sweet. Hints of blueberry hit my tongue along with a kick of citrus. The Potomac glitters from the balcony of our townhouse and I take deep breaths to calm myself.

Today has felt like a complete failure. I won’t allow myself to break down, that’s not who I am. I’m Shyla Shaan, takes no prisoners, never cries, and certainly doesn’t get attached to her clients. Emmett being the one exception. Truth be told, his case was beneath me, but as soon as I saw his pretty face and his broken heart I knew he was mine to fix.

Peter was innocent. I know it in my bones. The evidence we gathered to get him off of his life sentence was sound. I could never live in a state with the death penalty, but unfortunately, Peter took actions into his own hands.

We lost. He’s in jail for killing his wife when he didn’t do it and he killed himself. I can’t help but feel like I failed him. Maybe if I presented the case differently, maybe if I had better expert witnesses. If we had more time to find more evidence, maybe it would have made a difference.

But now not only is Peter’s wife’s killer roaming free, now Peter is gone too.