Page 11 of Too Tempting

“I need to make sure Kelsey is okay,” I say.

“Your friend’s Omega sister?” he asks.

“Yeah, apparently she put me as her emergency contact when she went to Sweet Nectar last night.”

His eyes go wide. “She went to Sweet Nectar, alone?”

“Yeah,” I say.

“Damn, that takes balls.”

I glare at him, and he speeds up getting ready. He looks over my sweaty body and I groan as I take the world’s fastest shower.

Once we’re in the car, I can’t keep quiet anymore. “There is more to Kelsey that I haven’t told you,” I tell him.

“What? That you have feelings for her?”

I take my eyes off the road for a moment to look at him, shocked. “What?”

“You talk about her a lot, Dom. I’m not mad. I’m just not sure why you didn’t tell me.”

“There are some things I can’t tell you. It’s not my place. I was there in probably the darkest point of her life and it was clear she only saw me as a friend. Two days later, we met. I never wanted you to feel like you were my second option.”

“How could I when you take such good care of me? We’re in the direction of pack life, Dom. You can love more than one person.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s love.”

“But, there’s the potential.”

“I don’t think she’s interested.”

“Did you ask her?”

“How can you ask someone that? What she was going through was heavy. It definitely wasn’t the right time.”

“Well, I’m interested in meeting this Kelsey. See what wicked wiles she has you captivated with.”

“She better be fucking home, or I’m going to find her and murder her myself,” I say.

At least when we pull up to the house, her bright red MINI Cooper is still in the driveway. Cameron and I get out of the car quickly, and I bang on the door. No one answers. “Kelsey! Open the door, now.” I say loudly. Still nothing. “Fuck it,” I say. Smith gave me the code in case of an emergency. And right now is an emergency. The last time she didn’t answer the door, I thought she was going to be gone forever. If something happened to her and I sent Smith away on a job, I would never forgive myself. It was clearly too soon for him to be going away. Once the lock whirls, I push the door open harder than I should. It bangs against the drywall of the foyer.

A loud scream garners both of our attention. Kelsey stands in the middle of the living room with nothing but lace panties and a sports bra on. Her headphones cover her head and the living room is a mess.

She rips the headphones off her head and glares at me, her hands clutched against her chest. “What the actual fuck, Dom?”

“Don’t you take that tone with me. Not after I got a call from fucking Sweet Nectar saying that they haven’t been able to get ahold of you. What the fuck were you thinking, Kelsey?”

Her face reddens, but she doubles down. “Listen, I’m sorry they called you. I must have dropped my phone in Emmett’s car. But I’m an adult and I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

“Your actions prove otherwise,” I say, regretting the words as they roll off my tongue. I watch as her eyes water. “Fuck, Kels, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Then how did you mean it, Dom?” She looks at Cameron and then her body, wiping away a tear as she walks to her bedroom and slams the door.

I rake my nails across my buzzed head and groan. “I’m fucking this up,” I say to Cameron.

“What did you mean? She can’t take care of herself?”

“It’s complicated.”