Page 71 of 10 Commandments

“I want to thank you again for your help, Caroline. Locating Greg was a big help for my guys. I know that if he hadn’t been located, I would have been, well—I would have been raped and more than likely killed. I owe you.”

I know that I’m rambling, but I’m grateful for her help. She saved me more than she will ever realize.

“Boys, can you get the lady some wine, and I’ll have a ginger ale?”

She doesn’t say it, but that was a subtle way to tell them we need a few moments to talk.

Smart men do as they’re told: all walking away to the bar to get drinks. I watch them as they make small talk with each other. I’m so captivated by these men. I can tell Caroline is, too.

“Evie, you’re doing well. How is it going with the men? I can tell by the look on your face that you’ve fucked them all. Am I right?” Caroline pats my hand as she speaks.

When I go to open my mouth to deny it, the words stick in my throat. Why would I be ashamed?

“I have, and oh my god, I never knew sex could be like this. I was a virgin when I walked through the door, but they changed that.”

Her eyes light up as I speak. It’s as though she’s proud of me for fucking. I’m shocked.

“Welcome to the club, Evie. You are now a woman, and those men—they’re all for you!”

She’s giddy with excitement. Caroline couldn’t be happier that I had embraced my new life and didn’t want to change a thing.

As we spoke, the men came and went. They seemed to be enjoying the company of each other as much as we were.

“You know, Evie, Scarlet is going to make you a lot of money, and you may not want to limit yourself in that regard. It’s a little underground, but in my world we could more than cover you if you decide to get into the escorting busine—”

“No,” I interject firmly. “These men are mine, and I refuse to just sell them out to other women. The domming is…different, and that’s an issue I’m resolving, but this is absolutely as far as it goes.”

Smiling, Caroline sips her ginger ale. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

I stare at her, slightly taken aback. “I knew you were the right girl to be in my company, and I just needed that as reassurance. As a business woman and a woman in my own right, I have a thought that might interest you: a show.”

“A show?” I say quizzically.

“Absolutely. I, for one, am quite interested in the…we’ll say logistics, of how you handle even more men than I do. I know it’s exhausting at times, and I couldn’t imagine one more! On top of that, I could guarantee at least 5 women in this very crowd alone who are both very well to-do and would be chomping at the bit for a chance to just see the very same!”

She’s not done, though. She wants me to open my eyes to another area that can make me money.

“Furthermore, they did such a fantastic job handling your little dirty work. I know you’re not quite the type, but please do consider having them work alongside my men as enforcers. Only when we need it, of course. If you take up on my show idea, I’m sure you’ll have quite the busy schedule as it is!”

My mind is absolutely swimming. I hadn’t really thought about changing the entire business model of the company, but I think she’s absolutely right. She knows the world I’m in, and after having a taste of what real justice can do for someone…

“It’s a lot to consider, but I think you’re right. I really appreciate your advice, and I kind of like that show idea of yours. As for the other idea…I’ll have to think about it, at least for a little while.”

I smile, pleased with myself. I know that I’m doing what’s right for all of us. Not just for me.

“Of course, of course,” she says with a smile. “Enough of that. We need to celebrate tonight! Evie, would you and your men like to join us for an orgy? I have a feeling that these beautiful creatures need to give us some one-on-one attention, and it would be the absolutely perfect way to get some practice on your new show!”

At first I’m dumbfounded, but I nod right away. I want this. I have to prove to Caroline that Evelynn Travers is Scarlet. I will not let anyone down.

“Of course. How could I deny a request like that?” I grin.

Chapter 38


When Caroline suggested it, I was shocked. I didn’t let my face show it, though.

She wants me and my ten men to have plenty of fun with her and her group of men. I’m not put off at all by this idea—and maybe that’s what disturbs me the most.