Page 59 of 10 Commandments

I want to do something sweet for them. Not because I must, but because I want ten of the sexiest men in the world to know they’re appreciated.

I can’t thank them enough for what they did last night. The charity will receive a check that will top any other contributions for the year. I’m so proud of that, plus, my mind is still spinning over the way these women act when a handsome man is flashed in front of them. I guess the tables have turned when it comes to women standing up for what they want.

I walk to the balcony to make a private call out of any potential earshot. I want to get each one of the men a very nice watch.

The saleswoman assures me she has enough in stock, and that they can have them engraved before I get there. Money does talk when you need a rush order.

Each watch will say “Time is not measured by clocks, but by moments.” I’ve always loved the quote, and I think that it fits for all of us. I’ve shared some of the best days of my life with them. I know that I have every day for the rest of my life to make more memories.

I look at my own watch. The saleswoman asked me to give her one hour to finish. Just enough time for a cup of coffee in the hotel lobby. I can make a few phone calls and send some emails while I wait.

I take a deep breath before leaving the room. All the ten are still asleep. I know the men will be mad that I’ve gone without at least one of them, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if I take them with me, now would it?

I close the door gently, taking the elevator to the main floor. A little coffee shop is a perfect place to wait out the hour.

“Black coffee, and a bagel, light on the cream cheese.”

While I dictate my order, the waitress smiles, just nodding instead of speaking. She looks kind of young, and I remember being a little shy at that age. Hell, until a few months ago I could have been her. Meek, mild, and unassured.

I’m mid-email when my order comes. The waitress leaves me a cream and sugar just in case. I know I shouldn’t, but I pour both in the coffee. I worked off enough calories last night to be able to splurge a little bit.

I people-watch as I sip at the hot liquid. A few have come and gone that I remember seeing the night before. Women in small groups of two or three, probably on their way home to fuck their husbands. All that testosterone they witnessed last night would make a nun faint. Little does anyone know that I got what they paid for!

Lost in thought for a moment or two, I reflect on how lucky I am to have these guys by my side. I know that last night I might have been a tiny bit jealous, but only because I was worried they’d feel they needed to do something they weren’t comfortable with. Women can be vultures when it comes to men who look like mine do.

I recheck my watch. An hour has passed, and I know I have time now to get to the jewelry store and the office before anyone wakes. I’ll give them a wake-up call once I settle in for the day.

After paying the bill for breakfast, and leaving a ten-dollar tip for the waitress, I decide to walk. It’s a beautiful day, and the birds are singing. What could it hurt? The store is only right around the corner.

I’m only footsteps away when it all stops. As I walk past an alley I don’t notice the hand reach out from the shadows until it’s far too late. A hand places a small cloth over my mouth and nose, muffling my screams. A strange scent floods my nostrils, and the day suddenly goes dark.

I really should have woken one of them up.

Chapter 31


Well, fuck. If that’s what you get for helping out sick kids, sign me up for the next charity event.

Light is streaming through the windows of the hotel room. I reach across the bed, and my hand finds a very hairy ankle. Not Eve.

I look over, and Max is laying backward on the other side of the king bed. Looking around the room, I see Robin has crashed on the couch. No Eve.

I get up and step into the bathroom. Still no sign of Eve. Pity, I had plans for the dual shower head this morning. I take a quick rinse then head back into the bedroom with a towel slung around my hips. She probably went downstairs for breakfast.

“Jake, you hiding the boss in the shower?” Robin is awake, and he’s cracking open a bottle of sparkling water from the mini bar.