Page 57 of 10 Commandments

Suddenly Robin spins me around and throws me down onto the bed. He slaps my ass sharply. My skin is warm from the hot water and the strike sends an aftershock straight to my pussy.

I try to get up on my knees thinking he will climb on the bed behind me and fuck me from this position, but my movement is rewarded with another stinging slap to the ass.

“You’ll move when we say you can, Eve.” Max’s voice is stern. The commanding tone makes me shiver. I almost forgot in the tub who these guys are. They’re my delicious alpha males. My dominating gods. I’m here to serve at their pleasure—that’s what I wanted tonight.

Max and Robin each take one arm and hold them spread out on the white bedspread. Robin is rubbing my ass with his hands roughly. Peppering his attention with occasional swats, making me squirm. He stops for a moment and I’m tempted to look back. I want to know what’s going on.

Jake traces a swirling design up my arm that he’s holding out. I relax. I’m here to serve their pleasure, which happens to bring me intense pleasure in return. I take a deep breath and relax deeper into the mattress. I trust them, I want whatever they have planned. I submit.


A leather belt licks at my warm skin. The sharp feeling radiates out from the now red mark on my ass. My breath catches and my eyes widen. Jake is looking at me softly.

“Ready, Eve?” He asks me. The other two have stopped moving. They’re waiting to hear that this is what I want. That I submit. That I want to feel the striking pleasure.

The silence in the air is palpable. However alpha they are, they wait for me to consent. They give me a taste of what they know I crave, then they wait. Bated breathing. No one’s pushing me to submit, but I know.

This is what I want. This is what they know I want. What they’ve known I wanted since they saw me fucking myself in front of them while I watch them dominate a female client and drive her insane into submission.

I nod.

“Please, Eve, give us a little more than a nod,” Max says, as Jake traces the same pattern along my arm. It feels like cursive, is it Scarlet?

“Yes, please. I’m ready.” I say. My voice sounds foreign, calm, husky.


The belt hits my other ass cheek this time, the noise louder than the sting would account for. Something about the noise make the slap seem more intense.

Jake and Max start massaging my ass between blows, coming faster but no harder now. Each one, a tiny shockwave of pleasure.

Robin plays on my skin with his leather belt. First, a staccato pattern on my ass. Now he teases up my back, trailing the belt then striking between my shoulder blades. This strike is harder and I gasp, stinging pleasure rolls down my arms. Jake reaches over and kisses the stop the belt just kissed.

“Up on your knees now. Then put your arms right back where they are. I want your ass in the air. Display that wet cunt for us.” Robin taps my tender ass with his hand. Max and Jake release my hands and I scramble to get to my knees.

When I am on all fours, Max presses my shoulders back to the bed. My ass and my pussy are above my head nicely displayed to the three men. The belt licks my ass again, lower now.

The same trailing striking pattern is picked up across my thighs. I long to press them together around my now throbbing clit. Each blow sends a shock of sensation straight to my center of pleasure.

I’m moaning now into the bedspread. I’ve never felt this intense mix of pleasure and almost pain. I’m glad no one asked me to count this time. It’s all I can do to hold my position.

My thighs are crisscrossed with red belt marks. The swats pause. Jake runs a hand across my shoulders. He is readying me for what is to come next. My mind is blank. I take another deep breath and trust.


The belt lands on my dripping pussy lips. A flood of juices soaks my cunt dripping down my belly from the angle I’m at. I cry out with pleasure and surprise. The weighted silence again. I can’t say anything, I can’t make my mouth form words. I’m too lost to the sensation. I nod and moan.


Again, the leather licks my cunt, almost softer this time. The same flood of cunt juices. I swirl my hips. I don’t even know what I want right now. My pussy throbs. I want a cock, but I also want to see what more I can feel.


One more, the tip of the belt strikes my sensitive clit. I see stars, the feeling is so intense. The moan is caught in my throat, I can’t make a sound. I’m overwhelmed.