Page 52 of 10 Commandments

None of us are drinking tonight. You don’t drink on the job nor have your senses impaired. Not suitable for business or common sense. Everyone handles alcohol differently, and screwing up is not an option.

I can’t believe that I was auctioned off for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars—and I’m only the second highest one.

These women are ravenous. I watched the bidding, and it resembled a Black Friday sale. They were ready to throw elbows for a date with the ten of us. A woman named Carmella won a night with me, and she wanted to start it right fucking now.

I excuse myself from the others, sitting at the table with Carmella and a few of her friends. Oddly enough, it doesn’t get odd until all the friends leave. Carmella is a designer from New York, and I have a few of her clothing items, designed for the upscale businessman. Even the tuxedo I’m wearing is her design.

Using a single finger, she traces down the lapel of my tuxedo, stopping to rest her hand on my inner thigh.

“Max, darling, you look delish tonight. I’m tempted to make a larger donation and steal you away for the entire evening!”

At this point, it takes all I have not to remove her hand from my leg and call her a bitch. I wouldn’t risk hurting Eve that way. No one told us what to do if we were hit on by the women. I understand flirtation, but I’m not a prostitute.

I excuse myself to the bar for a moment when I see Theo standing there. He looks pissed off, but then again, he always looks that way. He has the male version of a resting bitch face.

“Bro, you’re getting it, too?” he asks.

I can’t help but laugh as I ask for another glass of wine for my date, and water for myself.

“Yeah, she’s a little presumptuous about what this date involves, but I’ll handle it. You know me—Mr. Charm.” The bartender hands me the drinks. “Okay, I need to get back before she comes to find me. Keep smiling, bro. The night is almost over.”

On my way back to the table, I see Eve. She looks stunning tonight, but then, she always does. The candlelight from the tables seems to love her face. I can see the flicker of the flame dancing in her irises

That woman doesn’t even realize the hold she has on all of us. Maybe we don’t, either. She has slowly become a significant part of our world.

Kissing Carmella’s cheek before handing her the drink, I look up to see Eve gone. I’m not worried because she has eyes on her all night. We all have made sure of that. The security here is tight, what with the amount of money floating around this place. The venue hired extra guards just in case anyone attempted to rob the place.

“So, how do you like your job at Scarlet?” Carmella smiles when she asks, her hand resting on mine. I don’t mind feeding her full of bullshit tonight. She’ll only find out what she needs to know.

“Love it. Miss Travers is a great boss. She arranged a lot of this tonight. Plus, if not for her, we wouldn’t be enjoying the company of each other, right?”

I’m not sure I should be praising Eve right now. I need to focus on my date. After all, she did pay a hell of a lot of money just to sit at the table with me.

“You look lovely tonight, Carmella. The way the night plays with your eyes—I bet everyone tells you that, though?”

Shitty as hell what I just did. I used my feelings for Eve on her. I know that it’s wrong, but I did it anyway.

About thirty minutes later, the waiter very secretly slips me a note. Thankfully, Carmella is off powdering her nose in the ladies room when he does.

Opening the folded paper, I can’t stop smiling when I read it.

Meet me at the Chateau Le Blanc, room 409, in one hour.

There’s no name, but there’s none needed. The kiss mark on the paper lets me know it’s Eve. That’s her trademark lipstick, and the scent of her is still on the paper.

When Carmella returns, she asks me to join her in her hotel room—but of course, I remind her of the rules. Tonight is a date night only.

A little miffed, she thanks me for the evening. I’m not a total asshole. I give her a very sensual kiss, pat her ass, and dismiss her. I think she might have creamed her panties before leaving.

Grabbing a bottle of Dom Perignon from behind the bar on the way out, I plan on using all the pent-up frustration on Eve.

She’ll get all that Carmella didn’t.

Chapter 29


The hotel is better than I imagined. The room is huge with a beautiful view of the city from the balcony facing the bed. You can lay against the pillows and see the lights spread out in front of you like a diamond necklace. Not the use I have in mind for the king-size bed, but a nice feature.