Page 2 of 10 Commandments

I slip my silk robe back on as a chill rushes through me. Fucking weird. All that heat in the apartment must have left with those men.

I reach for the little rectangular slip of paper. It has some details about my landlord, and as I read it, a different kind of shiver races up my spine.


It doesn’t make any sense. I flip the card over in my trembling hand and see a simple text with a phone number and a name: Caroline.

Who the fuck is she? I try to shake the confusion from my lust-addled head.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I mutter.

The truth is I’m shocked. I had no idea this visit was anything other than a hot fuck. The little card weighs heavily in my hand and on my mind, making me wish I’d never seen it. Because now I don’t know what the fuck to do.

Going on pure instinct, I tighten the belt on my robe and open the door to the empty hall. The one thing I love about this building is that no one lurks in the hallways. Make that loved. Because I don’t even know my neighbor’s names, and right now I’m sure wishing I didn’t feel all alone and freaked the fuck out.

Using the wall as a brace, I slink down the hall, my knees weak. And not just because I did, in fact, just have three men fuck the shit out of me.

I’m scared, and my body is doing everything in its power to keep me from going forward.

But I have to.

I turn the corner and stop short. Another shiver of fear runs down my spine as warm cum gushes down my leg again. I let out a surprised moan, then cover my mouth.

Something must be wrong with me because even knowing what I know now, I’m still a fucking horny little cunt.

When I look up, I see that the door to the landlord’s apartment is open. Out of nowhere, a piercing shot rings out.

Holy fucking hell!

The scent of gunpowder hits my nose, the flash from a barrel freezing me in my steps.

“Oh my god. No!” I whimper under my breath.

I wad up the card in one hand and steady my body against the wall. I feel like I’m either about to faint or vomit. I press my fist to my mouth, hoping they didn’t hear me, and shrink back.

Then I hear the voices. Their voices. The three men who just fucked me better than I’ve ever been fucked in my life.

But this time their words don’t send another gush of arousal trailing down my shaking thighs.

“You’re a fucking idiot. You weren’t supposed to kill him, you fucking asshole! Stupid fucking fuck!” the tallest of the three men growls out from the end of the hall.

He rounds the corner and I’m suddenly face to face with his towering figure.

Tears stream down my face. I can’t stop shaking. I would never tell anyone, I want to scream out. But I can’t find my voice. And it’s not like they would believe me anyway. They’ll want save themselves—and whoever sent them here.

As if in slow motion, a hand raises and I’m suddenly staring down the barrel of the smoking gun.


They don’t use a silencer. While this might have been arranged, they’re not professionals. At least I don’t think so. An odd last thought to have…

One shot rings out. That is all it takes. I fall to the ground and darkness envelops me.

Chapter 2


I stare up at the building in front of me. The name in curvy red letters echoes over and over in my mind.


I’m still struggling to rationalize everything that has happened over the past few days.

First, my parents tell me they have some sort of illness, but then they refuse to give me any details. I mean, who does that to their daughter?

Next they say I have to take care of their business for them while they’re indisposed. Business? I told them when they called. What business?

And yet the only response I received was a giggle, an I love you, have fun with it!

And a click.


Now I have this place in my lap, and I have no clue what it even is?much less how to run it.

Sure, I just graduated from business school well ahead of my time.

Sure, I organized charities across the entire state for hundreds of people.

And sure, I’ve never failed anything I put my mind to…but when I do something, I make sure to know what it is I’m supposed to be doing in the first place.

After I finally reach the door, I hesitate. Again.

This place gives me a strange vibe. There’s no way my parents would have run anything seedy, right? Still…

With a deep breath, I finally yank the tinted glass door wide open. As I step in, I see…nothing. My eyes struggle to adjust to the heavy darkness inside the building.