Page 17 of 10 Commandments

I smile at her. I do like Caroline.

“Now if you will excuse me, the baby thinks I should powder my nose. Again…” With that she stands and with a pack of men in her wake and glides gracefully to the ladies’ room.

Chapter 10


Watching Caroline walk away with her entourage of sinners, I am pulled back to the table by Max.

“Theo and I need to head back soon. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to dance. Next time?” The two of them have taken seats at this secluded table. Max is holding my hand, and Theo’s resting one hand suggestively on my thigh.

“I think you will find that while it takes two to tango, it can be even more exciting with three,” Theo purrs behind me.

A shiver runs down my spine, and I imagine being pressed between their two well-toned bodies.

“Tango? I was hoping for something with more bounce,” Gunther interrupts Theo.

I look up, and Gunther and Finn have arrived, decked out in dark cream suits. Their golden Adonis bodies draw every eye to our secluded corner.

The darker twins give me chaste pecks on the cheek before handing me off to the golden gods before me.

“Well, did you want to dance? Or…” Gunther asks me when the others have left. I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Or would you like to make the rounds and show off your stunning gown?” finishes Finn.

I feel a flush cross my cheeks. They know exactly what I thought Gunther was implying.

All these men seem to like taunting me. My nerves dance with the temptation to let loose and see where all that teasing could lead.

I take each of their hands and stand up. “Let’s make the rounds. I want to make sure everyone knows I still care about the same things even if I am running a dungeon.” The guys laugh a little and put my arms through theirs.

Their pulsing muscles remind me of watching them work, well-oiled arms striking the right balance between pleasure and pain. I shiver, then stand straighter.

I am here tonight for a cause. I will not let the rotating cast of gorgeous men distract me.

“Cold?” asks Gunther, concerned.

“I’m alright, just…” I start to answer.

“Hot?” asks Finn, smirking.

“I’m fine,” I say, almost scolding. “Behave. That’s Mrs. Robertson. She put on the event tonight. I want to thank her.”

We join a small circle of people around a tall woman just on the other side of 50. I worry stepping in that the guys won’t be comfortable, given that in their line of work, small talk is rarely called for, but they are charming and witty.

I am genuinely enjoying myself. I have always loved these events, and the guys have all been better than my usual single dates.

The conversation in our little circle stays lively.

I start to hear the whispers behind and around us. The people outside our circle have stopped talking about anything but the three of us.

“The third set…”

“All identical.”

“What is she doing with all of them?”

I feel my face growing warm, and I can’t keep up with the conversation anymore. Finn is telling a joke, but Gunther catches my eye. He slides a hand around my waist and pulls me close to him.

The attention is getting to me a little. I’m not sure I want to be the talk of the party this way. Finn catches on and makes an excuse for us to head back to our assigned table.

“They’re all talking about us,” I whisper.

“Of course they are. You are stunning,” says Finn.

“Evelynn, you are the talk of the town. I don’t think we even have that much to do with it,” Gunther continues for his brother.

I smile at both of them. They are being so sweet. I think back to Caroline telling me to embrace having them at my disposal.

God, it is so tempting, especially when they are being so wonderful.

Just when I am getting lost to two sets of deep blue eyes, my phone goes off. It’s my private number. Not many people have it, so it must be important.

“Guys, I have to take this,” I say. I think I might almost be relieved the phone went off when it did. I’m not sure what I was about to do. “I’m going to step outside, if you have to run to your appointments. Well, I had a wonderful time.” I kiss them each on the cheek and rush out into the cool night.

I answer the ringing phone as I close the glass door behind me, the noise of the crowded ballroom contained.

“Hello?” I say. Then someone grabs me from behind, and I feel a sharp, cold point on my throat.

My phone drops to the ground with a thud. I am dragged into an alcove in the hedge surrounding the ballroom. Whoever is holding the knife to my throat pulls me down hard onto a stone bench.