Page 19 of 10 Commandments

Evelynn isn’t at her table. There are three champagne flutes, one with a delicate lip print like a butterfly’s wing, the color of blush. Evelynn’s shade.

I smile to myself. Her lipstick matches her pink nipples. I hope I get to see those more often in the future.

“I don’t see Gunther and Finn either.” Jake interrupts my increasingly dirty thoughts.

“Well, they had a tight change over for their next appointment, probably left a little early to get changed,” I reply. “Evelynn is probably in the ladies’. We should wait for her here.”

“Or,” Jake says, pleading a little. “We could hit the buffet? We didn’t exactly stop for food. And she might be over there.”

I smile at my brother. “They won’t have Taco Bell,” I tease him. He rolls his eyes back at me. “But sure, let’s hit the buffet and look around for Evelynn.”

We cross to the other side of the room. I recognize a couple of clients but make sure not to give anything away. You never know what jealous husband doesn’t know about his wife’s wanting a good spanking. Pity, I’m sure some of them would like to be involved.

At the buffet, we half fill a couple of plates, but still no Evelynn. A very pregnant blonde with amazing tits comes up to us as we are looking around, trying to figure out where the ladies’ room is and how to check if Evelynn is in there.

“I’m guessing you are more of Evelynn’s?” she says to us. Unlike the rest of the whispers, she sounds impressed and happy. “I’m Caroline. Having trouble finding your girl?” she asks.

“Hello, Caroline. I’m Gideon, and this is my brother Jake. Yes, we thought she might be in the ladies…but,” I answer her, trailing off and hoping she will offer to check for us.

“I’ve been in and out of there all night. She isn’t there, boys. Sorry. Have you called her?” Caroline is trying to be helpful. A tall dude comes up behind her and very protectively puts his hands around her, resting one softly on her swollen belly.

“I have to go sit. You boys take care of that girl when you find her, okay?” She nods knowingly at us and heads off to a table partially secluded but with a great view of the room.

Jake pulls out his phone and tries her private line. Nothing. He tries again. Still nothing.

I try. No reason to think she would answer me and not Jake, but I’m getting worried. Nothing. I really hope she is still with Finn and Gunther. I can’t think what could happen to her here, but I just don’t know.

“Gideon, calm down. She probably stepped outside for some air or something.” I look at my laid-back brother and take a deep breath. I can feel the worry leave my face. “Let’s head outside and see if she is there.” I nod and we do.

Outside the air is warm and smells like flowers. I don’t see her. I can feel the worry creeping up into my throat again.

I stride out into the dark and hear a crunch under my foot. Evelynn’s rose-gold phone is under my foot, three missed calls blinking on the now cracked screen.

“I don’t like this,” I say to Jake. This time, Jake nods. Evelynn is a careful person, and she always has this phone. Something is wrong.

Off to the side, I hear voices. I think I hear something about Scarlet.

Jake grabs my arm and points off to the side. There, in an alcove created by hedges, I can see three men standing around a girl in a pink dress. I hope that is Evelynn, but I don’t know who the men might be.

I don’t have a good feeling about this.

I run over. I don’t even care if that isn’t Evelynn. If it is her, I really think she might be in trouble.

I round the corner and see Evelynn sitting on the bench. One of the men is standing off to the side, and another sits beside her, his arms around her. The third has a knife to her throat, and there is a tear in her high lace neckline.

The guy with the knife doesn’t have time to even drop it before I swing at his face. There is a loud crack, and I can feel his nose give under my fist.

Jake is grabbing the guy on the bench. The third guy runs off before we can get to him.

Jake and the seated dude struggle for a moment. I take his place on the bench. Evelynn turns and buries her face in my chest.

I wrap my arms around her. She is shivering in the warm air. I kiss the back of her head.

Her hair is messed up. Knife dude was holding her head back by her hair. I wish I broke more than his nose.