“But what about…”

“We’re withdrawing our proposals,” Cesare added. “We all agree that you should marry Nicky.”

“What about…” My gaze skipped from one face to the next. “All of you?”

“Yes, all of us.” Leo replied. “All three of us are abdicating in Nicky’s favor. It’s the best thing for both of you and for the empire. I can’t think of any better outcome for Don Alonzo’s fortune.”

I glanced over at Nicky at the same instant he glanced at me, and our eyes met. Leo was right. I’d been so confused about which of them to choose, but now that decision didn’t seem important anymore.

Fate made the decision for me… or maybe the decision made itself. Nicky was the best match I would ever be able to find, and I already knew I could love him. I could spend my life as his wife, and we could build this empire together. It was the perfect solution… except for one thing.

I glanced around at Leo, Cesare, and Romeo. “What about the rest of you? I don’t want…”

I broke off. I shouldn’t say in front of Nicky that I wanted three other guys. He wouldn’t want to share me with these guys.

The Italians called Leo consigliere before they left. That meant he was now Nicky’s consigliere. Nicky wouldn’t want his wife fucking around with his consigliere, or anyone else for that matter.

“I’m staying here for a while,” Romeo replied. “Padrino, I mean Nicky, has been generous enough to let me stay here until I can get my family under control. My life would be forfeit if I showed my face in Necci territory right now.”

“I’m staying too.” Cesare came over to me. He moved around in front of me in that way I understood only too well. He cupped both my cheeks, and his eyes drilled into my soul. “I don’t want to leave yet. I’d rather stay here with you than go off looking for someone else.”

“We all would,” Romeo added, but I couldn’t look away from Cesare’s eyes. He held me in an unbreakable grip, and before I could reply, he kissed me.

It was a slow, sensual, lingering kiss full of deep, passionate meaning. He didn’t hold back on lashing his tongue into my mouth, and I sighed in spite of myself.

As soon as he straightened up, I glanced down at Nicky. My stomach flipped when I saw him staring right at me, but he didn’t look angry… not in that way. He fixed me with those eyes that told me exactly what he was thinking.

Cesare slid his hand against my cheek again and turned my mouth into his. He started kissing me harder and faster and deeper. That tongue lit me up on the inside, and my body burst into flame. I wanted him so fucking bad… but Nicky was watching.

Just thinking that set me off as never before. Nicky was watching. He was watching Cesare kiss me, and then Cesare’s hands appeared on my body… except that they weren’t Cesare’s hands.

I recognized those strong hands. They were Leo’s. He squeezed my breasts through my T-shirt and drove me wild while Cesare still kissed me with deep, passionate, torturous licks.

More hands stroked me all over and slid between my thighs. They rubbed my swollen pussy until I couldn’t help yelping in desire.

My eyes floated open to meet Cesare’s. He was still kissing me, and his maddening bright eyes held me enthralled, but I still saw Nicky sitting behind his desk watching.

My mind went into a tailspin. Did they talk about this before I showed up? Did they decide ahead of time to share me like this? Did they agree to give me this moment out of one of my most forbidden fantasies?

Nicky’s eyes bored into my innermost being, and I didn’t have to wonder if this was turning him on. His arm moved down in his lap, but I couldn’t think about that.

Romeo went down on his knees in front of me and slid my pants down. Was he the one fingering me a second ago?

He pulled my legs apart and started eating me out like never before. Fingers groped my ass and snuck into my swollen pussy. Leo’s mouth closed on my shoulder and then gnawed up to my ear until I moaned in agony.

I lost track of who was doing what in the haze of so much pleasure coursing through my veins. My clothes vanished, and Cesare tore off my mouth to suck on my nipples.

Those fingers pumped into my sodden channel making me swell up in thick, puffy waves. Dripping honey gushed from my slit. I tried to push myself back on them to drive myself higher, but Romeo gripped my ass and pulled me tight against his face.

I gasped and whined in aching desire, but a second later, Leo caught my mouth in his intoxicating kiss. He grasped my jaw and steered me into his ravenous mouth.

Someone came up behind me. I stared into Leo’s eyes in front of my face while Cesare nibbled my breasts to excruciating delight. Romeo buried his whole mouth in my dripping pussy.

That left one person behind me. A rough, powerful hand gripped me around the neck and pried my head back in a way I knew only too well.

Hot breath scorched my ear, and that all-consuming voice whispered into my brain. “You’re a hot, filthy little slut, aren’t you, Princess? That’s right. You know you want it so bad.”

Nicky. He had me by the throat, and I was his. He possessed me as no one else could, but he still presented me to these three magnificent men to use, to enjoy, to pleasure, and to fulfill my wildest dreams.