All at once, he rocketed out of the chair. “No! I can’t! This is all wrong! There has to be some mistake.”

“There isn’t,” Cesare replied from across the room. “You saw the pictures Don Guiseppe sent over. You look exactly like your father when he was younger.”

“Be happy about it,” Romeo added from the window seat. “It means you can marry Gia now. You know she worships the ground you walk on.”

Nicky shook his head and resisted me when I tried to steer him back to the chair. “I can’t! I can’t be…this. I mean, I’m just a security guard. I can’t take over all of New York. It’s absurd.”

I could only smile at him. “You have to, son. It’s your destiny. Besides, you taking over is the best way for you to keep Gia safe. No one will dare to threaten her with you in charge.”

His expression cleared. He still looked like a tank that had taken one too many explosions in battle, but as soon as he heard about Gia being threatened, all his doubts evaporated.

He went back to the chair, but he didn’t sit down. He studied the desk like he was just seeing it for the first time.

I felt for the guy. He grew up hard and lived even harder. He never expected this. None of us did.

I watched him grow from a boy who would wash Don Alonzo’s cars in exchange for a hot meal to one of the most feared enforcers on the Eastern Seaboard.

I couldn’t think of anyone to whom I’d rather hand over the reins to Don Alonzo’s empire. I just never thought it would be like this.

“When you’re ready,” I told him, “we can start going over the finances of our remaining assets around town. They’ve really taken a hit these last few months, but with the Neccis neutralized, we can rebuild.”

He nodded without looking up. “Okay. I might need to take a few night classes to dust up my math skills before we do that.”

I had to laugh and squeezed his shoulder again. “You’re gonna be great. No one is born knowing how to run all this.”

“You were.”

“I learned. It took me and Don Alonzo more than twenty-five years of daily practice and coaching by our fathers before we were ready. No one expects you to just walk in and start doing everything yourself. Besides, Gia can show you around. She understands the business at least as well as I do.”

He nodded again, but I could already see his brain switching off. Poor guy. I didn’t envy him the job in front of him.

A scuffle outside the office made us all look up. One of the butlers opened my office door to let in Don Guiseppe Cattaneo, Don Giovanni D’Angelo, Don Bruno Lombardo, Don Vincenzo Terranova, and Don Antonio Terranova.

All five of them went over to Nicky, kissed his hand, and then kissed him on both cheeks. It was a traditional greeting of one don to another, but also an acknowledgement of something much, much bigger.

“Don Niccolò!” Don Guiseppe exclaimed. “Such an honor to see you again. You received the documents I sent over?”

“Yeah. I did.” He spoke in a dull, husky undertone with no enthusiasm.

“Excellent!” Don Guiseppe rubbed his palms together in delight. “Then, if everything is in order, we can begin transferring your inheritance into your bank trusts. There’s the question of title search on your properties here in America, in Europe, and also your assets in the Bahamas, the Maldives, and Australia…”

Nicky stared at him and opened his mouth, but no sound came out. His eyes glazed, and his sight started to drift in my direction.

I stepped forward. “Thank you very much, Don Guiseppe. We would appreciate it if you could begin the transfer right away. I’ll be handling Don Niccolò’s affairs as his consigliere,” I glanced over at Nicky, “if you’ll allow me.”

He nodded, and a flood of relief went through his big body. He was going to need a good right-hand man—someone who knew how to run interference between him and the rest of the mob world.

Don Giovanni stepped forward. “The other Italian families would be honored to invite you back to Naples for an official introduction. You’ll want to acquaint yourself with all your father’s business and his underbosses. His consigliere Beniamino Bianchi has been running your father’s organization in your absence. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to go over everything with you and make any changes to match your expectations.”

“Thank you, Don Giovanni,” I interrupted again. “That would be lovely. Please send me all the details, and we’ll make Don Niccolò’s travel arrangements.”

The Italians couldn’t be more pleased, but Nicky only shut down even more. Every word hit him like a freight train.

He stood before the Italians without moving a muscle. Did he even hear half of what they said?

Don Guiseppe stepped forward and took Nicky’s hand again. “We’ll be staying at the Ritz Carlton for three more days. Please don’t hesitate to call on us if you need anything at all. We’re all at your service, Padrino.”

He started to kiss Nicky’s hand again when Romeo spoke up. “Excuse me, Don Guiseppe, but there is something I would appreciate your help with… with Don Niccolò’s permission, of course.”