She stretched out in front of me, still clasping her legs around my waist. She extended her arms above her head, and her body gleamed in the mellow light. Fuck, she looked like some kind of goddess—a virgin goddess giving herself to me for the first time.

God, I loved her! I would give anything to keep her for myself. I couldn’t get enough of that hot, tight feeling. Her inner muscles stroked down my shaft, squeezed the hot cum out of me, and coated me with her delicious essence.

I buried my prick deep in her succulent pussy. She was wetter and hotter and more engorged than ever. Her skin and chest and stomach glowed with pleasure and goddess-like beauty.

I circled her waist and caressed her breasts while I stroked inside her. She gazed up at me in some dreamy haze of distant comprehension. What did she see when she looked at me like that?

She looked so hot, and her pussy felt so magically good that I couldn’t hold out much longer. I moved slowly so I could savor the moment. I didn’t want it to end.

She stretched her hand toward me and rested her palm on my stomach. Her touch set me off again, and her eyes blasted me into the stratosphere.

I pulled her in tight against my cock, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I leaned forward and started pounding. She panted faster and shorter. Her thighs slapped my hips, and her breasts bounced with every stroke.

All those sights and sensations spurred me faster, and the faster I fucked her, the more her maddening sexiness only made me want to fuck her more.

I drove in harder, and she cried out. Her honey gushed around me and set my blood on fire. I was fucking her at last, fucking her the way I always dreamed I might.

She was a virgin, my virgin princess, and now she was all mine. No one would ever take her virginity again, and the thought detonated in my brain. It translated all the way down to the root of my cock, and I slammed into her hard.

She started screaming. I couldn’t let the servants hear her, so I dove in and kissed her. I muffled her screams, but she didn’t stop vibrating with me and cracking her thighs apart to take me in until I unloaded inside her.


Iran my fingers through my hair and gazed up at the ceiling in a daze. I just lost my virginity to Leo Evangelista on his desk. My body and mind didn’t want to come back to reality. I still felt myself floating somewhere up there on the ceiling.

Leo’s warm, soft hands kept caressing all over my body. He rubbed my breasts and twisted my nipples and stroked my thighs and belly. His thick, powerful shaft kept gliding in and out through a river of hot, wet, slippery cum from both of us. He didn’t pull out, and I didn’t want him to. I wanted to float in this dream forever.

Did he really just ask me to marry him? I loved Leo, and he was right about consolidating the family’s power. Marrying him made at least as much sense as marrying Cesare and a whole lot more sense than marrying Romeo Necci.

His hands felt amazing. They relaxed me into a state of bliss I never imagined. This felt almost as good as cumming on his cock twice. He set me at ease, and those continuous, comforting strokes told me he was still there. He still cared. He would still protect me and support me, even though we just did it.

His cock held me suspended in a world of magnificent ecstasy unlike I ever thought possible. All the times I imagined losing my virginity, I never dreamed it could be like this.

Making out with Cesare and then with Romeo was never like this. They turned me on, but they never took me so far away from myself. This must be what sex was supposed to be like. It took a real man like Leo to show me what could be.

Leo rubbed my shoulders and then took hold of both my hands. He pulled me up into a sitting position before I was ready to come back to Earth.

His cock slipped out of me, and his cum gushed over my ass and thighs. It made me feel so slutty and hot. I could get turned on enough to do it all again.

He cupped my cheek the way he did before—right before he asked me to marry him.

He kissed me again, and our tongues mingled in that magical dance of bliss. Would it always be like this? If I married him, I could kiss him like this every night and every morning. He would fuck me like that and keep me in a state of rapture unlike anything I ever imagined.

I could definitely get used to that, but another voice whispered in my other ear.What about Cesare… and Romeo?

Leo would probably never do it with me out in the grounds the way Cesare obviously wanted to. Leo would never encourage me to get turned on by the security guards watching.

What about Romeo? That dark, mysterious stranger would never sneak into my room and touch me in forbidden ways if I married Leo. I would never get to explore those wicked fantasies again. Could I really give them up?

He pulled back and gazed down into my eyes. Leo gave me something different. He gave me complete safety and security. I loved him for that. I could definitely get used to this—to being his princess.

That name excited me so much now that it meant this—this aching, sexual craving only he could satisfy. I was his princess, and I always would be. He would do anything for me. I knew that. I would never be this safe with anyone else.

That was the problem. I didn’t want to be safe with Cesare and Romeo. I wanted their danger, their wickedness. They opened up a dangerous, wild side I wanted to explore further. I wanted to find out just how wild I could be. I would never find that out with Leo.

He pulled up my bra straps, and I shivered with even more excitement when his warm fingertips positioned my bra cups in their places.

He zipped himself up and started buttoning his shirt. He looked even hotter and more powerful putting his clothes on. Being half-dressed didn’t make him any less sexy.