“Maybe. Walmsley took a big hit the last time the market tanked though. He actually needs the board stipend to live. It’s a lot of money to the average person, but it’s not enough to hire top-notch murder talent.” Matt frowned. “That’s an analysis I never thought would come out of my mouth. Remind me to bring it up if I ever teach at a business school.”
Jack chuckled. “Is that something you see yourself doing someday?”
Matt blushed. “Maybe, if they’d have me. Once I leave here, money won’t be an object. And I’m young enough that I still need to do something with my time, right? But being linked to Besse will be kind of a big stain on my record, so maybe not.”
“Not if you manage to turn the company around.” Jack kissed his forehead. “Now what’s this magazine article?”
Matt rolled his eyes and shook his head. “It’s silly. The marketing and PR teams decided to set up some interview with a prominent LGBT magazine about being an out gay man and taking on a controversial public role like this. They thought it would be good for the company, which is what we pay them for, so I listened. Now Walmsley’s mad about it.”
“Hm.” Jack made a few notes in his head. “Let me guess. So are Salmon and Heinonen.”
“Got it in one.” Matt snorted. “They’re a minority on the board, and they definitely don’t like that. They spend a lot of time trying to throw their weight around. I swear, Salmon still thinks he’s driving a tank.”
Jack checked off a few more mental notes. “It never leaves some guys. Well, you’ll be thrilled to hear the Feds have some ideas for suspects. So this whole thing should be behind us soon.”
Matt lost a bit of color in his face, but his eyes just widened. “That was quick.”
“Yeah, well, it turns out Besse is important from a national security perspective. There are powers that be that want it dealt with. Levi’s already running some new jobs by me.”
Matt’s smile lacked some of its usual brightness, but he still smiled. “I’m sure you’ll be glad to get out of Atlanta.”
“Well, the weather isn’t exactly to my taste, but there’s a lot to like about it. On the other hand, I won’t mind a client who only has one set of weirdos trying to kill them, and a less complex set at that.”
Matt laughed. “Here’s to an easier next assignment.”
“I’ll drink to that. When you’re off the clock.”
Matt got back to work, but Jack sent Levi a text warning him about Walmsley and the others. Just in case.
Matt wokeup the next morning curled around Jack. His head rested on Jack’s chest instead of on one of the expensive pillows, and for a moment, he let himself enjoy it. Why shouldn’t he? It was an objectively pleasant experience and it had been a long time since he’d had the pleasure of another man’s heartbeat as he tumbled toward a new day.
Reality would intrude though. The sound of Jack’s heart beating slow and strong in his chest only served to remind him how little time they had together—and that the time would be cut short further if he kept putting himself in harm’s way for Matt. Eventually, the threats would die down, Matt would succeed in making Besse a responsible, civilized company again, and Jack would head off into the sunset.
Hadn’t he mentioned something to that effect only two nights ago?
It was fine. Matt hadn’t gone into this expecting forever, and they probably weren’t compatible for the long term anyway. They had little enough in common, after all. Matt enjoyed learning from Jack, and he could definitely stand to have his horizons opened, but this wasn’t the time.
Jack stirred and kissed his forehead. “Is it morning already?”
“Sadly, yes.” Matt forced himself to pull away and sit up. “I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”
Jack grinned with delight and hopped out of bed. “Did you just quote Douglas Adams at me?”
“You know it.” Matt smiled as he headed toward the bathroom.
“You never cease to amaze me.” Jack followed him into the shower. “I love that about you.”
It was close enough to a confession of love that Matt almost dropped his shampoo, but he kept his cool and started washing up. He would treasure this while it lasted and do what he could to keep Jack out of harm’s way.
After they cleaned up and got dressed, they had breakfast with Norah and Samaira before their first meeting of the day. Ken Irvine, Jamal Kingston, and Alex Morales were coming to the apartment to discuss the most recent developments in Alex’s case. He had no idea if FBI agents often met with witnesses’ grandmothers, but that was someone else’s problem. Norah was smart as a whip, smarter than anyone else in the room, and if she had advice, she was going to give it.
Matt hadn’t expected Norah to have baked cookies for the meeting, but he supposed he should have. Ingredients for sweets had been a luxury when he’d been growing up. If she had the energy and strength to bake now, she was going to do it.
Irvine and the others showed up on time, which Matt appreciated. They brought Spenser Wilde, the handsome attorney retained by several Besse flu victims. It was a complete surprise to both Matt and Jack, and Matt was a little anxious about it until Morales gave him a wry grin.
“I know it’s a little unusual, but we think you’ll probably want a private attorney by the end of all this. Mr. Wilde has worked with a lot of people involved in this case, and he agreed to advise for the purposes of this meeting. You’re not obligated to retain or engage him, although you already know he’s the best in Georgia.”