“That’s my good girl,” I tell her as she finally sits up straight.
She laughs shakily and leans her forehead against mine. “Remind me to piss you off more often,” she says, her tone turning teasing.
I press my hips up against her ass so she can feel my hard cock. “Don’t be so sure you want that, Principessa.”
She swallows hard and opens her mouth as if to say something, but we pull into the parking garage of her apartment, and the moment is gone.
Two weeks until the wedding, I reminded myself.And then she will be mine to do with as I want.
I only hope I can wait that long.
The day of my wedding dawns clear and bright, a sunny counterpoint to the dark flutters in my stomach.
I didn’t expect to feel so anxious, so worried about my future.
This is, after all, a marriage of convenience for me. No matter how attracted I’ve found myself to Lorenzo over the last six weeks, and no matter how hard we’ve worked to convince everyone that we’ve fallen madly in love, I am still under Pop’s orders to infiltrate Lorenzo’s family and take over their businesses.
I can’t imagine my new husband-to-be will want to spend very much time with me after that.
I sigh as I step into my Vera Wang wedding dress.
Sarah and Adele and I have spent the bulk of the day being pampered, first heading to our favorite spa, then convening at the church, where my hairdresser had already arrived with an entire team to do our hair and makeup.
I’m surprised by how nervous I am.
My mind keeps slipping back to the kisses Lorenzo and I shared.
It’s not like I’m some shrinking, shy virgin.
But damned if I don’t feel like one right now.
I take a deep breath when the wedding coordinator ducks into the room. “The chapel is absolutely full,” she chirps brightly. “We'll be ready to begin in about five minutes”
I nod, and Sarah and Adele flutter around me.
“You look beautiful,” Sarah says.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Adele asks, her brows drawing down into a frown.
“Adele,” Sarah scolds. “What a thing to ask at a time like this.”
Adele shrugs. “It’s pretty much Gia's last chance to back out. I can’t think of any better time to ask.”
I laugh, but the sound comes out harsher than I intend. “It’s an okay thing for you to ask,” I reassure Adele. “And yes, I’m certain I want to go through with it.”
But I’m not.
Still, Sarah’s right—this is not the time to be asking that question. Not really. After all, it’s not like I have any other choice. If I back out now, it will cost Pop more money than would be worth it.
Better to go through with the wedding and implement our plan.
After all, we’ve all signed contracts.
Mama comes into the bride’s room as I’m checking my makeup one last time. “Will you girls excuse us for a moment, please?” she says to Sarah and Adele, her words a polite request, but her tone making it clear this is an order.