I was just gettingoff work when my phone started going crazy in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw Tad was blowing up my phone with text messages, and Glenn was trying to call me. I didn’t hit answer soon enough, so it went to voicemail. But Glenn didn’t waste any time with that. He immediately went back to calling me.
I knew something had to be wrong. That wasn’t like him.
I didn’t care what Tad wanted. Whatever it was, I had a feeling it could wait until I figured out what Glenn wanted.
“Talk to me,” I said, putting the phone to my ear.
“She’s gone!” Glenn yelled into his end of the phone.
“What the fuck?” I wasn’t sure I’d heard him properly. “What?”
“Iris!” Glenn repeated. “I came to the house to check on her, and the door was open when I got here. I ran inside to see what was happening, and the place is empty. She and Tris are both gone!”
“Fuck!” I shouted. My chest felt tight. I wanted to scream. “Fuck! Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t fucking call you if there was any doubt,” Glenn said. “I don’t know where you are, but you better get the fuck over here as fast as you can.”
I swore again, shoving my phone into my pocket and hopping on the back of my bike. I didn’t care what Tad wanted right now. All I could think of was Iris being gone, and there was no doubt in my mind who was responsible. We’d talked just the day before about how we were going to make sure this guy got the message to stay as far away from her as possible, and now this happened.
It was as though he had bugged my place or something. I didn’t think he was that good, but how did he know that he had to make a move that quickly? And had he really scoped the house that well to see when I was gone and Glenn wasn’t around?
He’d agreed to keep a closer eye on her to make sure nothing like this happened. And yet, here we were. To make matters worse, I had no idea where this guy would think to take her. Would they go back to the town she’d been living for the past few years? Would he keep her right here in Holbrook?
Or was this a case when he had taken the time to find an entirely new location where he could take Iris and Tris and we wouldn’t have a clue of where to even begin looking for them?
The thoughts ran through my mind faster than I could keep up with, and I pushed my bike to the absolute limits to get back to my house as quickly as possible.
Iris had sworn to me she wasn’t going to leave the house when I wasn’t home. She promised she would keep the place locked up tight every time she was there alone. So that meant that this guy had to either convince her to unlock the door for some reason, or he had managed to break into the place on his own.
Either way, it was a ballsy move on his part, and it made me sick with rage to think that he had gone to this extreme.
He was about to find out to what extreme I was willing to go to get my woman back. And our child. He had messed with the wrong mother and boy, that was for sure. She might have been his for that short period of time, but she was the one who made sure that it was over, and he hadn’t honored that.
It was up to me now to get her back – and to prove to this guy that he wasn’t wanted anywhere near here ever again.
That is, unless he did something terrible in the meantime.
I refused to think of the things that he might have done to Iris as I screeched to a halt in front of my house. I dashed off the bike, throwing my helmet off behind me as I made a mad run for the house. I didn’t even take the time to hang it off the handlebars, I was so scared.
“Hey, hey, hey!” a voice broke into my head as I nearly reached the door.
Glenn was on his way out to meet me, but it was Trey who was yelling for me.
“I saw her get taken by some guy!” he called out. “I saw her! He was out in the yard dragging her to his truck with the kid screaming in her arms.”
“Who?” I demanded.
“I don’t know who it was, some guy,” he said.
I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and shoved it in his face. “Was it this guy?”
Trey took one glance down at the photo and nodded.
“That’s him alright. I don’t know where he came from, but he was gone in an instant,” he said.