Page 71 of Biker's Baby

As much as I tried to push sex off my brain while I was at work, it was nearly impossible. All I could think about was when I got home, Iris would be in bed. Ideally, she would have some clothes on so I could have the pleasure of taking them off her, but if she was already naked, I wouldn’t be doing any complaining about that, that was for damn sure.

I smiled to myself and even whistled a tune every now and then as I worked through the shift. I still missed Glenn, but things were going smoother for me now that I had some of the stress in my life worked out.

The most boring part of my day came when I heard some of the other men talking about Glenn. I didn’t care much at first. We were always talking shit about each other in one way or another, but when I realized that this seemed to be legitimate trash talking, I listened a little harder.

“I’m telling you, life is a lot better around this place without him here,” one of our coworkers was saying. “He’s an asshole know-it-all, and just when you think you can deal with him, he pulls some other stupid thing out of his ass and goes on and on about that. I hope he’s out for another pay period at least. If not the full month.”

I strained to hear what the reply was, but with the sound of the machinery working around us, it was difficult for me to make out anything in particular. It sounded as though the other men who were sitting with this angry coworker were in agreement with what he had to say, but they weren’t continuing the conversation.

It made me wonder if there was more to the alleged accident than what I originally thought. Glenn was a good man. I didn’t know he had any enemies at work. But then, there were plenty of situations which the person I thought was the least likely to be trouble was the one who caused the most issues.

It was something I made a note in the back of my mind to keep an eye on, though I had a feeling Glenn wouldn’t give two shits about it if he knew the truth. He was too easygoing to get caught up in that kind of drama, though I was still unsure about everything. Of course, I was also the man who was a lot more suspicious of everyone who came into my life.

They had to prove they weren’t going to hurt me before I would let my guard down, while Glenn was practically the opposite. It was as though he was more than willing to share everything with someone until they proved to him that they couldn’t be trusted. Then it was at that point he would decide they had to be watched carefully.

We were good friends despite the mixed opinions we had toward others, and I made a mental note to warn him about what I’d heard before he came back to work. Maybe he already knew something I didn’t, and this wouldn’t come as any surprise to him. I didn’t know, but I did know that it was time to get back to work, and I would keep an eye on the other men and see what they were doing.

It wasn’t like I could hear much about the conversations they were having when we were on the floor, but that didn’t change the fact that I was good at reading body language and lips. I could get the gist of what they were talking about, and if it had anything to do with my friend, I would be sure to pass that information along.

But I pushed Glenn out of my mind at the end of the shift when it was time for me to head home. I had far sexier things on my mind. It wouldn’t matter to him if he found out about the shit at work tonight or not. He wouldn’t be back to work for at least two more weeks, so I could save it.

Tonight, my mind would be on Iris and celebrating the fact that she was now in bed with me. Officially.

I walked through my front door with a whistle on my lips, though I was keeping it down to keep from waking Tristan. I didn’t want to wind up with him coming to sleep with us that night and foregoing any chance I had of being intimate with Iris.

Then, everything I had planned for the night came crashing down around me.

Glenn himself was sitting at my dining room table, a cup of coffee in front of him, telling me that he had been there a while.

Iris was coming to meet me at the door, and the look on her face told me that something else had happened while I was at work. I was getting sick of this shit, and I had to physically stop myself from sighing and asking what the problem was now.

She thrust a piece of paper in my hand.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Take a wild guess,” she said with a frustrated shake of her head. “I swear it’s like I think he’s gone for good, then the next thing I know, he’s right back in my face.”

I glanced down at the note. It was the same old shit that Joel was always saying, but what was disturbing about it was the fact that he had dropped it off today.

“When did you get it?” I asked.

“A few hours ago,” Iris said. “Glenn was stopping by to drop off some stuff for you shortly after I found it on the windshield of my car. I was scared enough to ask him to stay with me until you got home because I didn’t want to be alone, but I also didn’t think that it was worth bothering you at work.”

“Right,” I said with a nod. “Thanks, man, for sitting with Iris while I was at work. I don’t like her being alone with this creep still stalking around out there.”

“Don’t mention it,” Glenn said with a nod. “But I think it’s time we do something about this prick before he makes a move that we all regret.”

“No shit,” I said. “I say it’s time you and I go from this passive stance to something a lot more active. We need to hunt this guy down and put an end to what he’s doing once and for all. If he doesn’t get the message easily, let’s make it clear to him what he’s getting himself into.”

“Right,” Glenn said with another nod.

I crumpled the note in my hand before walking over to the trash and tossing it inside.

I was over this guy’s shit, and more than ready to prove that to him in one way or another. I would get as violent as necessary to show him that he wasn’t welcome in her life anymore, and she now had people behind her who would make sure he left her alone for good.

There was no excuse for this, and I would personally see to it that he stepped out of her life once and for all.

And not just me, either. I had backup who was willing to see this through all the way to the end.

Joel better be a fast learner, because he was about to have the wrath of God spill over him like it was judgment day.

And I was more than happy to be the messenger.