Page 69 of Biker's Baby

“I called and talked to one of my dad’s old friends,” he told me. “Someone who’s familiar with Tad and also has connections in the FBI. He’s looking into this MC that’s moving here, and he’s going to get back to me with options. Trust me, this isn’t the most ideal situation, but we’re making progress in the right direction, I can tell you that much.”

“FBI?” Glenn asked. “If they get involved, it’s just a matter of time before Tad’s going to find himself on the wrong side of the prison yard.”

“It’s not like he’s unaware that what he’s doing is breaking the law,” Abe said.

“Fair, but I don’t think he has any idea he could actually get in trouble for it,” Glenn said. “You do something wrong long enough, you start to think that you can get away with it forever. Especially with the way he’s constantly telling us that he rules the roost in town and no one better cross him.”

“That’s all going to come to an end when Mikey gets more involved,” Abe said. “He’s not the kind of guy to fuck around with anything. He was my father’s partner at one point and remained his good friend right up until the end.”

“Do you think Tad’s going to come willingly?” Glenn asked.

“Doubt it. I’m sure when this all goes down it’s going to be a fucking free for all until they get him subdued. And it’s not going to be pretty if he finds out that I was the one who called it in. I mean, as much as I hate to admit it, I just turned my back on my own MC in that regard. That’s like the height of betrayal in their world,” Abe said.

“I don’t like the sound of that,” I told him. “What will Tad do to you if you do get caught for this?”

“He’s got to catch me before things go down,” Abe said. “Because if this all comes down to how I’ve got it planned, by the time he figures out that he’s been found out, the Feds are already gonna be all over him. Then it’s not going to matter what or who turned him in. He’s not going to be able to do shit about it.”

“Exactly,” Glenn said. “You just have to play the game long enough for the big guns to come down on him, then you can step to the side and let the long arm of the law do the rest.”

“It’s a good thing, sweetheart. Trust me on this,” Abe said as he reached over and put his hand on my arm.

I sighed. I certainly wasn’t in agreement with this being a good thing, and even if he was making some progress, he wasn’t making a lot of progress, and it wasn’t happening fast enough, either.

The fact of the matter was that I wanted him to get out of the MC now. Or I wanted him to find a way to be in it, but not be on the forefront of danger. I hated that he was the one Tad sent in when he was making some deal that could wind up in getting someone killed.

It made me sad. Firstly, because I didn’t want Abe to be in that situation and secondly, because I used to know Tad. I used to really look up to him, in fact, and the thought of him having changed so much into this person he was today made me sad.

I liked him before, and it seemed like with time, he had gotten swallowed up in the realm of having to have more power and more money and nothing was ever going to be enough to satisfy him. And that made me sad. There was so much more to life than those things, but he wouldn’t give a damn over what I had to say, I knew that for a fact, and I wasn’t going to try to get to him, either.

It was none of my business, and I liked it that way.

“On a lighter note,” Glenn broke in, “Abe told me that the two of you have a family thing going on here.”

I chuckled. I suddenly wished that I had been a fly on the wall for that conversation. I wanted to know how Abe had brought it up, and I wanted to know what he said about him and me. Sure, it was obvious that he was going to stay in Tris’s life, but what did that make us? What did he tell his best friend?

“I wasn’t sure what you were going to think when you found out,” I said. “I was hoping you weren’t going to be angry with me for not telling Abe sooner.”

“I’m just shocked the dummy didn’t put it together sooner,” Glenn said. “I thought the similarity between the two was striking the first day I walked in here and saw them together. But no one ever said Abe was one for details.”

I laughed. I was glad that was the way his friend took it. I didn’t want to care too much what other people thought of me, but Glenn was Abe’s best friend, and I worried what would happen if he decided that I wasn’t trustworthy considering the fact that I had hidden Tris’s paternity for so long.

But he was able to turn it into a joke, and it really didn’t seem like Abe minded being teased about it, either. In fact, the more we talked about Tris, the less agitated Abe seemed with his situation at the club. It made me feel good knowing that his family could calm him down.

I just hoped that his friend would come through and we could get him out of that situation that stressed him out. I didn’t know anyone who was friends of Abe’s or Abe’s father, but if this guy was part of the FBI, then I knew we could trust him.

I hated to think that Tad was about to take a fall considering how far he’d already fallen in my eyes, but that was what happened when someone turned to the world of illegal drugs and gun trafficking.

He would get caught doing this sooner or later, and that would come with prison time, I was sure.

But, if that’s what it took to get Abe out of the club, so be it. I would be happy with that.

I just hoped Abe would be, too.