Abe was acting weird.
I tried to ignore it, but with each passing day, it became harder and harder.
I wanted his attention. I craved his attention. The way he was constantly brushing up behind me and kissing me left me wanting more. I was walking around in a constant state of arousal, and I could only imagine that must be why he was acting strangely himself.
Perhaps he wanted to take it to the fullest extent but hadn’t been able to because the timing wasn’t right – and I hadn’t made it possible.
Abe was respectful. There was no denying that. He would never push me to do anything I didn’t want to do. I knew that.
But the problem was that I did want it.
There was a part of me that wanted him to be the one to make the move on me, then there was a part of me that knew he was going to wait for me to make the move on him.
Or was I wrong entirely?
It was impossible for me to know what was going on in his head, and it was starting to drive me insane trying to guess. I wasn’t going to ask him outright. I couldn’t. We had been acting this way long enough now that I felt it was natural for us to touch each other – to kiss each other.
But were we going to take it further than that?
Were we going to keep doing this until the day I decided to leave?
And when was that happening?
I wasn’t making any progress in finding a job or a place to live. And without Joel having any sort of contact with me for days, I felt that him being after me was becoming a very weak excuse for me to stay. It was becoming increasingly evident that I was staying with Abe because that’s what I wanted.
That’s what we wanted.
And that’s not the only thing we wanted, either.
I decided I had taken enough of the teasing. Enough of the anticipation. Enough of the little touches that weren’t leading to anything bigger. It was time that I did something about it – and that something included the person who was driving me this insane in the first place.
Abe came home as usual, and we made small talk before he headed upstairs. I knew he was going to bed for a few hours, as he always did, but I wasn’t going to let him be alone like I always did.
I had intentionally played with Tristan when he’d woken up earlier that morning. I wanted him to be up long enough that he would go down for a morning nap when Abe came home from work.
I didn’t tell him that was my plan. In fact, I didn’t even tell him that Tristan would be going down for a nap shortly. I just wanted Abe to go up to bed so I could come to him when I had the chance.
I rocked Tristan in my arms once Abe went upstairs, and once he became drowsy, I sang softer and rocked him slower. With time, he eventually drifted off to sleep in my arms, and I gently moved him to the futon.
I stayed with him for another few minutes, making sure he was entirely asleep before I slipped out of the spare bedroom and padded upstairs.
Abe’s door was partially open, and when I peered into the crack, I could see that he didn’t have a shirt on. I hoped he was naked lying under the blanket, and with a sly smile, I undressed on my way to the bed.
I left the trail of my clothes all the way to the bedroom door, leaving the last of them on the floor directly next to his boxers. I slid into the bed with him, sliding my hand down his body as I kissed his shoulder.
Abe didn’t move at first. He had been asleep when I got into the bed, but it didn’t take him long to realize that I had joined him, and I was exploring his body, too.
“What are you doing, beautiful?” he whispered.
“I was feeling a little lonely downstairs,” I said. “Tristan’s asleep in his bed, and I thought it might be a good time to come up and see if you wanted any company.”
“As a matter of fact,” he said as he rolled over onto his back and looked at me, “I did want company. You’re absolutely right about that.”
“I thought so,” I said.