I was torn. I knew my dad wanted me to make a change, and I was going to have to make more moves like Glenn had just done for that to happen, but, I also had to be smart about it. I had to make sure Iris was safe before I dared to do anything like that.
I endured the rest of the meeting before heading home, thoroughly exhausted by the time I got there. I wanted nothing more than to just fall right into bed and sleep, but when I walked through the door, I found Iris clinging to Tristan, a piece of paper on the coffee table in front of her.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“I thought it was mail,” she said. “I picked up the pile after the mailman put it through the slot, and I just happened to notice that this piece of paper wasn’t in an envelope. I thought that was strange so I pulled it out of the pile – and this is what it was.”
I looked at the paper, realizing that it was a note. It looked like it had been scrawled in haste, but the message was menacing and clear.
I’m coming for you. You’re not getting away from me. We will be together, you and me. Nothing can change that.
“You sure it’s from Joel?” I asked.
“That’s his handwriting. No doubt about that,” she confirmed. “I’m so scared. He’s got to be so pissed off at me for running! I don’t even want to think of what he’s going to do to me when he catches me!”
“That’s enough!” I barked.
Iris looked at me with big eyes, and I softened my tone. I knew she was scared, and I didn’t want to make it worse.
“He’s not going to catch up with you,” I promised her. “Not if I have any say in it. And I do. I swear to God right now, he’s not going to hurt you. No one is.”