Page 46 of Biker's Baby

I laughed. I knew the two were just teasing each other, but I was still surprised with the way Tris was acting. It was as though he made immediate friends with Glenn, and while I was happy for that, I found it disconcerting the way Glenn kept looking from Tristan to Abe.

My heart skipped a beat. I realized that Abe must have told him about me and Tristan – and probably included that I hadn’t talked about the boy’s father. He hadn’t asked me anything about it, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t something on his mind – and it very well could have been something that he brought up when he was talking to his friend that morning.

Glenn was clearly connecting the dots, and as he looked from Abe to Tristan one last time, I made sure to stare at him long enough for him to make eye contact with me. There was a look on his face that told me he had figured it out, and he was looking for me to give him that bit of confirmation.

I glanced over to Abe, then I nodded my head. I hoped he got the message, and by the way he looked surprised, I figured that he had. Sure, I knew it wasn’t right to be keeping this from Abe this long, but I couldn’t tell Glenn that I was going to come clean about it when I left the place.

Now, I would have the pressure to tell Abe as soon as possible. I didn’t want him to find out through Glenn. Even if the man didn’t know for sure, if he were to plant the seed in Abe’s mind, I didn’t want Abe to come to me and ask about it as though I wasn’t ever going to tell him.

I had to find time, but I wasn’t sure when that would be, and I still wasn’t sure that it would be when I was still in the house.

Glenn didn’t seem like he was going to tell Abe right then, which I was grateful for. But I didn’t feel entirely at ease with him anymore, either.

There wasn’t much relief when he finally got up to go, even though he did promise that they were going to take care of my problem quickly. I thanked him, but all I could think about was the fact that he knew my secret.

Once he was gone, Abe said he was going to bed for a few hours.

“I’m beat. Do you need anything from me, or am I good to sleep for a while?” he asked.

“Go for it,” I said. “I’m going to give Tris some of his cereal and let him watch cartoons while I work on finding a place.”

“Sounds good,” Abe said with a yawn.

I watched as he headed for the stairs, wondering just how I was going to bring up the fact that Tris was his child. It seemed so much more important to talk about that now rather than the sex. But I didn’t want to let that go, either. Things were getting increasingly complicated with each passing day, and I knew I had to figure out what I was going to do next.

I couldn’t keep up this secret forever, I knew that for a fact. I had to come up with a plan and put it into action. Hopefully, Glenn was right, and they were going to take care of my problem soon. Then I could really figure out what my next move would be and do it.

But, with each passing day, there was now the chance Abe would find out about Tristan, and I didn’t even want to think about how I would explain that. Shit, I didn’t even know if there was a good way to tell him that I had kept it a secret this long – even living under the same roof.

But I couldn’t get wrapped up worrying about that. Right now, I had to focus. I had to find a place to work so we could find a place to live, and the only way to do that was to be on my phone.

Once my son was watching his cartoons, I got online.

I couldn’t be as picky anymore. I had to find something and soon.

Time was running out.