It had beentwo days since I hooked up with Iris on my couch, and sex was still the thing on my mind. It had been good. So, so good. Just like I remembered, only better.
The first time we’d had sex, it had been wild and out of the blue. I felt like this time there had been such a buildup to it that we had both connected over our bodies being together in that way. And I couldn’t get Iris off my mind.
I knew that it had been stupid. I also knew that I could have told her no. But the truth was, I didn’t want to. In fact, I was juggling around the idea of asking her if she wanted to give us a try. A real try this time. I wanted it to be different than before.
I didn’t care that she had a child now, either. I was happy to take care of both of them, and no matter who Tristan’s father was, I would raise him as though he was my own.
But, with that on my mind, I wasn’t paying as much attention at work as I should have been, and it was another long shift of nearly running into things and causing accidents. By the time it was over, my boss was glaring at me, and I knew he was wondering how much more he would let slide before he took matters into his own hands and fired me.
Glenn, too, was over the distraction in my life.
I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to keep up the charade in front of him, but as I walked out of work that morning, he told me it was over.
“I don’t know what you’ve been up to, but it’s time you forget all about whatever you’re doing and you come clean,” he said.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tried.
“Like hell you don’t,” he said. “I know you well enough to know that something’s up, and something has been up with you for a long time. I’m sick of wondering what happened to my friend. Come on, I’m buying.”
I wanted to argue. I wanted to ignore him altogether. I wanted to tell him I was fine, and I wasn’t going anywhere with him. Then there was another part of me that wanted to tell him everything. I had spent so much time burying this all deep inside me, I didn’t know what to do about it now. I wanted to come clean, sure I did.
But could I really trust Glenn?
He had been part of MC life his entire life. I hadn’t. I didn’t know if he was someone I could just put all my trust in. But then, if I couldn’t trust him by now, then when would the day come that I could?
I got on my bike and followed him to a coffee shop. I wanted to get a beer, but I knew that there was no way we could find a place that was open to serve alcohol at this time, and I wasn’t going to suggest we go back to my place. So, I’d have to put up with coffee and donuts.
And tell him the truth.
After we’d ordered, we both sat down, and Glenn looked at me with expectation clearly written in his features.
“Well?” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“You know what. I’ve been putting up with you sneaking something around for the past few weeks, and it’s time you tell me the truth,” he said. “Tell me what’s going on with you.”
I sighed. He was right. It was time that I came clean and told him the truth. But I didn’t quite know where to start. I didn’t want to tell him everything, but what I was doing now didn’t really make sense unless I did. So, I decided the best thing to do would be to tell him about my father.
“He was part of the FBI, and the more he grew in the MC world, the more he wanted to see change,” I finally said. “To the point when he died, he gave us all quite the inheritance.”
“All?” Glenn asked.
“Me and my nine brothers,” I said. “We are all working with different MCs across the country, and all with the same end goal. If we are able to reform them and turn them into clubs that help people instead of tear the society down, then we’re getting the inheritance.”
“Damn.” Glenn shook his head. “But that doesn’t explain why you’ve been so weird the past few weeks. If you’ve been doing this all this time, then what happened that has you being so weird now?”
“Well, there is a girl,” I said. “I protected her a couple years ago when she was involved with an abusive guy. But she didn’t want to be part of this life, so even though I fell for her, she left. I knew I’d never love anyone like I loved her, and I certainly never thought I’d see her again.”
“And you have?” Glenn pressed.
“More than that,” I said.
I told him about Joel and the fact that Iris had come to my door asking for help. And, of course, I told him all about Tristan and what I was thinking about the boy.