Page 34 of Biker's Baby

He didn’t give a damn what I thought about any of this, as long as I showed up to do my job.

“It checks out,” Glenn said over his shoulder.

“Then let’s get the fuck out of here,” I told him.

At the same time, the men for the other group seemed to reach an agreement that they were happy with the amount of money that we’d given them, and the signal was given for them to pack up and also get out.

The familiar tension returned as they got back in the SUV or onto their bikes and headed out of the garage, and we made our way back to the front doors. We never turned our backs on each other. Though we trusted each other enough to make these deals, we didn’t trust each other enough not to be shot in the back on our way out of the building.

I didn’t breathe easy again until we were well away from the warehouse and on our way back to the restaurant.

I didn’t say anything to Glenn until we’d parked and gotten off our bikes. Our two partners had gone back to the clubhouse with the drugs, while we came to Del Taco Loco to meet Tad.

“It’s getting worse,” I said. “That was a lot of money and a shit ton of drugs.”

“But it was good pay,” Glenn said as he elbowed me in the ribs.

“And a good way to die,” I told him. “Any number of things could go wrong in that situation, and Tad just sends us in there without telling me that we were dealing with something that big.”

“I knew it would be big, but yeah, I was a bit surprised when we saw just what we were dealing with,” Glenn admitted.

“You going to say anything to him?” I asked.

“What’s there to say?” He looked at me. “Please don’t send me on your assignments? It’s part of the deal, Abe. You getting cold feet?”

“Nah, I was just wondering if you were going to point out to him that we need to know more about what’s going on with the deals before we dive in,” I said.

“Why don’t you do that? He seems to like you better than me these days,” Glenn said with a laugh.

I would have argued, but at that moment, Tad came up behind the two of us and clapped us both on the shoulders.

“I’m thinking that you got done with work if you’re both here already!” he exclaimed. "I was on my way to the bathroom and could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the two of you pull up!”

“It was an easier day than expected,” I told him.

We weren’t explicit in our discussion of what we’d done in such a public place, but he got the message.

“Excellent! Why don’t the two of you go over and grab your places at the table? I was just about to order another round of drinks for the group, and I think tonight calls for a lot of celebration!” Tad continued.

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Glenn said, but I shook my head.

“Thank you, but I think I’m going to head back to my place. I’ll grab something to go, but I’ve really got to get some sleep,” I said.

Both Tad and Glenn looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“Are you sure?” Tad asked. “Seems to me like you’re a bit young to start with this heading back home for no reason thing.”

“I haven’t slept well in a while,” I told him. “I think now would be a good time to catch up on it.”

“Very well, but don’t think you’re going to get out of spending time with the gang,” he said with a grin. “Charge whatever you want to my tab. I’ll see you later!”

Tad headed back to the bathroom, and Glenn accompanied me to the front counter as I ordered.

“I thought you were going to the table,” I told him.

“Thought I’d hang with you while you finished up here,” he said. I ordered, and he raised his eyebrows over the amount of food I got.

“You trying to get fat as well as lazy?” he asked.