“I love you,”I managed when I finally came up for air.
It was the first time I’d said it to Abe, but it wasn’t the first time I’d thought it. It just felt that now was the perfect time to let him know that those were my true feelings, and he deserved to know the truth.
He was so perfect for me. He had saved me more times than I could ever hope for, and he was so good to me on top of it. He treated me like I was a princess, and he continued to do things for me just to make me happy.
On top of that, he cared about our son.
I hadn’t asked him for that bed. He had seen our son on the futon and decided himself that it would be a good idea to bring it back to the house for Tristan to sleep on. It was more than I could stand. The way this man cared for me and my son made me feel on top of the world.
I had never been so in love with anyone before in my life, and I could shout it from the highest rooftop and never get tired of saying it.
“I love you, too,” Abe said, looking down into my eyes. There wasn’t a moment of hesitation as he told me. “I love you and I love our son, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together.”
He went in for another kiss, but I wasn’t going to just stand there and make out with him in the hallway. There was too much passion coursing through my veins, and I had to have more of him. With a little kid in the house, we had to time the moments we had together, I knew that, and what better time than right now to show him just how much I loved him?
I dragged him toward our bedroom, knowing that we had some time with Tristan recently falling asleep.
I wasn’t hungry anymore. I was full of lust and passion. And more than that, love.
“I need you naked,” I said. “Right now.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” Abe replied.
We closed the door most of the way behind us and faced each other, tearing our clothes off as quickly as we could. I was so aroused, my body was aching for him. He wasn’t even fully undressed before I saw plainly how aroused he, too, was as he waited for me.
I kicked off the rest of my clothing and climbed into bed, lying on my back as he climbed over the top of me. Our mouths met once again, and our tongues danced around each other. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and teased him, grabbing his lower lip with my teeth as I pulled back.
When I let go, he growled and buried his face in the crook of my neck. He kissed my neck all the way up to my jawline, then back down to my shoulder. I felt goosebumps rise all along my body from the top of my head all the way down to the tips of my toes.
He sent shivers of delight through every part of my being, and I shuddered as he used his hand to spread my legs apart. He only teased me for a moment with his fingers before I pushed his hand away.
“I want you inside me,” I said. “Not your hand. I want you.”
He didn’t hesitate to give me my wish. With a single push of his hips, he was buried all the way inside me, his shaft disappearing into the slit of my tight pussy. I cried out with a soft moan, taking him. I loved the way he tore me open from the inside.
He stretched me further than I thought I was able, and it felt so good. He awoke something in me that was hidden from the rest of the world, something I felt I could never get enough of. Something I craved.
He held himself inside me for just a moment before he started pumping. Moving over the top of me with a grin on his face, each thrust of his hips taking me to a new level of ecstasy.
We were both so aroused, I felt that he was just as turned on by the moment as I was. He moaned with his movements, and as I rocked with him, he moved his hand under the small of my back to help me slide on the sheets. We moved easily with each other, our bodies used to the dance we had created.
I was so wet and his cock was so smooth, he glided in and out of me with such ease, I knew that this was the man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. There was no way I was ever going to let this go. This was the man who completed me.
This was the man who made me feel like I was the only woman in the entire world. This was the man who came after me when I thought all was lost. This was the one man who had put it all aside just to make sure I was safe.
And I knew that wasn’t ever going to change.
With each thrust, I knew he was getting closer to filling me with his load, but the love in his eyes never changed. He gazed into my eyes with a warm smile, his charm mixed with his love and devotion, and I knew there was no way I could ever get tired of this.
I would never let this love grow old. This was the man I knew was meant to be with me for the rest of my life. This was the one I wanted to be with. This was everything.
We moved with a new frenzy now, the climaxes building inside both of us. I was getting closer and closer, and I let my voice grow to show it. Neither of us spoke this time. There was no need for words. We both knew how the other felt, both knew what the other was thinking with each movement of our bodies.
As I came, I wrapped my legs around him, crying out and pulling him into me. The motion was enough to make him climax as well, and he groaned with delight as his cock pumped me full of his load.