Page 83 of Biker's Baby

“I’m glad to see you and your boy both here safe and sound,” Mikey said. “And I can assure you, there are felonies pending against your ex. Once the local PD is done with him, we’re going to run him hard. He’s not going to be out of prison for hundreds of years. So I don’t think you’ll have to worry about him again.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Iris said.

“Now, let’s talk about the real reason why I’m here.” Mikey turned his attention to me, and I raised my eyebrows.

“You mean this isn’t just because you wanted to come have a cup of coffee with me and meet the one woman on this planet crazy enough to spend her life with me?” I asked.

“That would normally be enough reason for me to show up, yes, but the reason I’m really here is to talk about Tad,” he said.

“Do you have the proof that you need?” I asked.

“More and more each day, but we’re going to need to make this a joint effort between you and the task force,” Mikey said. “I appreciate your full cooperation here, and with it I can assure you that you’ll be granted full immunity when the justice system comes down on the club with an iron fist.”

“Can you promise that for more than just me?” I asked, immediately thinking of Glenn.

“I can pull some strings and I promise to do what I can,” Mikey said. “Let me tell you something, though. The more people you can get to cooperate with us, and the more we’re able to bring in Tad with minimal involvement from anyone else – media, local PD, the public – the better it’s going to go for those of you who are in the club and wanted to get rid of this side of things.”

“Alright.” I nodded. “Let me talk to some of the guys I know who aren’t happy with the current situation. I know they’re going to be more than happy to cooperate with you when it comes to taking down our president.”

“Good,” Mikey said. “So what did you have in mind?”

We discussed a loose plan to incriminate Tad as the ring leader of the drug operation that had been going on in Holbrook, and I knew with Glenn working with us, it wasn’t going to be hard to get Tad to take most of the fall for it, too.

I knew it was wrong for him to take the entire blame since there were a lot of members of the club who had all benefited from the drug deals, but I didn’t care. I was done with living this kind of life, and by helping the feds take out the man who was responsible for leading this kind of MC, I knew I was fulfilling my part of the bargain when it came to the will and my father.

I would earn my part of that inheritance, and I would be out of danger with the MC. I was pulling together the loose ends that I had promised Iris I’d take care of, and it was happening faster than I’d even thought possible.

It wasn’t over yet, and there was always the chance something could go wrong in the process, but I had confidence that we were going to take Tad down, and it wasn’t going to take long for this to be pulled off, either.

By the time Mikey left, it was nearly lunchtime. But Iris seemed to be just as hopeful as I was with Tad being removed as the president of the MC and going to prison.

“That means no more drug runs or gun sales,” I told her.

“And I don’t have to worry about you going off on some assignment that’s going to get you killed,” she said with a grin. “It’s like we’re finally going to have the freedom to be a real family – one that isn’t tainted with all this drama that you’ve been dealing with all this time.”

“You, too,” I reminded her. “No more stalkers or crazy men trying to get you to do anything they want you to do when they want you to do it. Talk about the freedom of the century right there.”

“This is true,” she said with a warm smile. “Okay. I think I’m going to let Tristan go down for his nap now, and he can eat lunch when he gets up. After he’s asleep I’ll make some food if you want?”

“Or I can get that started while you put him down for a nap,” I said. “No need for you to do it all.”

“Aren’t you just a dream sent from heaven.” She kissed me.

I went with her to the bedroom and helped her get Tristan settled into bed.

He didn’t want to go to bed at first, but Iris sang to him for a moment, holding him close to her until his eyelids began to get heavy. Finally, she was able to lay him in the middle of the mattress, and she sat with him for a moment to make sure he was entirely asleep.

I watched for a moment before shaking my head. It was incredible to me that this little boy was my son. He depended on us to care for him. To provide everything for him. He looked so little on the futon, and I suddenly had an idea.

“I think with you staying here now it’s time that we go empty your storage unit,” I said.

“Really?” she looked at me in surprise.

“Sure,” I said as I led her to the door. “You live here now. This is officially his bedroom. I think it’s time we move the futon back downstairs to the guest bedroom and we move his bed in here. Make it our own. His own.”

I had a feeling Iris would be happy with the idea, but I didn’t think she would jump on me with the enthusiasm that she did. She pressed her lips to mine, kissing me hard as I walked backward out of Tris’s room, pulling the door most of the way closed behind us.

I was so surprised, she took the breath right out of me. But I wasn’t ever caught off guard for long. In an instant, I had my arms wrapped around her, kissing her right back with the same ferocity that she’d attacked me.

She turned me on with everything she did, but there was something about the way she’d jumped me now that was an even bigger turn-on than usual. My dick was getting harder by the second.

And I was pretty sure this woman was perfect.