I turnedmy bike around the moment I saw the text from Iris.
I had no idea she’d be able to text me, so when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and saw her name on the screen, I nearly dropped my phone right there in the road. I skimmed the text message, then immediately shot a message to Trey and Glenn both, telling them to meet me back at the house as soon as possible.
I was the first one back, and I ran inside, setting up my laptop. I had never felt so thankful in all my life. The fact that she had an iPhone meant that I would be able to trace her through an app on my laptop – giving me an exact location to where she was.
I didn’t know how she managed to send the text, but it didn’t really matter, either. All that mattered was the fact that she’d been able to get a hold of me, and now it was my turn to act. And I was ready to act as quickly as possible.
I knew time was the biggest thing on our side. Every second she was in the hands of Joel was another second she could be abused or even murdered. The faster we could get her out of there, the better. And now that I was getting a pinpoint on her location, I was raring to go.
Glenn came through the door, and I quickly explained to him what was happening. Trey was back shortly after, and he took one look at the laptop and knew what I was doing.
“Alright, so what’s the plan?” he asked.
“We’re going to get her,” I told him. “Plain and simple. I’m not fucking around and waiting for anything. That man kidnapped her, so there’s no telling where he’s drawing the line with his own boundaries. I don’t trust him one bit, and I’m not losing Iris to a jealous ex-lover.”
“What do you want us to do?” Glenn asked.
“You’re driving the truck and Trey, you’re on a bike with me,” I said. “I’m getting the location for my phone, and we’re heading there immediately. I’m armed already. Make sure you both are as well. I don’t want to get caught off guard as we don’t know who’s there with him. Hopefully no one, but you never know.”
Both men agreed, and I was relieved to see that they were already armed as well. We were saving a lot of time already, and within minutes, I knew we’d be on the road.
“Come on,” I said once I had the location brought up on my phone. “Here’s the keys to the truck, and don’t get too far behind. Trey, we’re not going all the way to the house. I don’t want the sound of the bikes to give away our location. Surprise is of essence here, too.”
“Noted,” Trey said.
We headed to our bikes, and I couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that this man was riding with me and Glenn as though we had been riding together for years. It was shocking to me that he was willing to put his life on the line right now – knowing only that we were going after someone dangerous and he’d need to bring his gun – for the sake of standing together.
We roared off, our bikes eating up the miles as we headed north. We were out of town in an instant, and it wasn’t long before we were drawing near to the spot on the map where the house was located.
I motioned to Trey to get off his bike and walk with me, so we pulled off in a small pull-out on the side of the road. Glenn wasn’t far behind, and he, too, pulled into the area. He put the truck in park, and I outlined the plan.
“We’re heading through on foot. I want you to stick with the bikes and keep an eye on the road. If it looks like there’s going to be backup, then let us know. I don’t need an ambush thrown in on us,” I said.
“Got it,” he replied. “And Abe? Be careful.”
I nodded.
Trey and I made our way through the thick undergrowth, keeping our eyes set dead ahead. Neither of us knew what we’d fine. We just knew we were looking for a white house. At least, that’s where the dot was telling us to go on the map, and I had a feeling it was accurate.
I suddenly put my hand up, stopping Trey in his tracks.
“There it is,” I whispered. “And with that back door open, I bet he’s in the area.”
I barely made a noise as I spoke, and we both hunched forward so we were even more concealed on our way toward the building. Sure enough, Joel stepped out onto the porch. He had his gun in one hand, a cigarette in the other. There wasn’t a sound coming from inside the house, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign, or a bad one.
He seemed uneasy, as though there was something making him agitated. I didn’t get the impression it was so much the fact that he had kidnapped Iris as the fact he knew we’d be coming for him. The way he scanned the woods made it clear to me that he was expecting us, and I knew we’d have to be really careful if we were going to surprise him.
He took a step back toward the door, then he turned. I wasn’t sure if he could hear us, or if he thought he’d seen something, but I wasn’t waiting for him to double check. Instead, I rose and yelled right at him.
“Joel! I hope you’re a better shot than you are a boyfriend, or you’re doomed!” I shouted.
Trey laughed at the insult, but Joel wasted no time in firing into the woods. We both swore and threw ourselves behind trees.
“You get down and go around the front. See if you can get into the house while I keep his fire up here,” I told Trey.