Page 68 of Biker's Baby



I wassurprised when Abe showed up an hour after dinner. I expected him to go right to work after he was done with his assignment that day, but evidently, he had called off.

Glenn was right behind him when they came in, and they both looked pissed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Why are you here?”

Abe just waved me off and the two of them headed for Abe’s room. Glenn had to take his time with the stairs, but there was no point trying to convince him not to use them. He was stubborn, and he’d go where he wanted no matter what.

I shrugged when they were gone. Whatever it was, it clearly didn’t have a thing to do with me, and I was fine with that. I had my hands full with Tris. It was time for his bath, and he’d been fussy all day. There was a pretty good chance he’d be going to bed early tonight.

Normally that meant I would have the time to really look for another job or a place to live, but I hadn’t been doing much of that over the past few days. I didn’t know how things were going to be now that Abe knew the truth about Tristan, and he hadn’t said a word about what I was doing, either.

Abe had stopped asking me about how looking for a place was coming, and though I’d never gotten the impression from him before that he wanted me to move out, I really didn’t think he was in any hurry for me to go now.

I heard the murmur of their conversation upstairs, but I didn’t get the impression they were angry with each other. It was probably something to do with the club.

I knew one thing for certain. I wasn’t asking any questions. I had decided that when I first came here, and I was sticking with it even if things were out in the open with Tris and Abe now. I still had no intention of going anywhere near that MC myself, and the more I could stay in the dark, the better, as far as I was concerned.

I had just finished with Tris’s bath and took him to our room, putting him in his pajamas when Abe poked his head through the doorway.

“Have you eaten dinner yet?” he asked. “I was thinking about ordering something if you haven’t.”

“There’s leftovers in the fridge,” I told him. “I ate about an hour before you got home.”

“Thanks.” He disappeared again, and I shook my head.

Something was clearly up with him, and I didn’t know what it was.

I finished dressing Tris and rocked him in my arms until he fell sleep, then I laid him on the futon. I stayed with him a while longer, making sure he was truly asleep before stealing my way across the spare bedroom and to the doorway.

I’d heard Abe and Glenn come back downstairs, and I now found them in the kitchen with the leftovers from dinner. They were sitting on barstools by the counter and talking about the club.

“You hungry?” Abe asked.

“I told you, I ate before you got home,” I said with a laugh. I stole a meatball off his plate anyway, and he playfully tickled my side.

“What’s going on with you two?” I asked. “You both seemed to be pretty worked up about something, and knowing you, it could be anything.”

“There was a mishap with the assignment today. One of the other members of the club was being fucking stupid and could have gotten us killed,” Abe said.

My heart leapt to my throat.

“What happened?” I asked.

Abe explained how the guy had gotten into a yelling match with one of the other men from the cartel, and how that erupted into gunfire.

“I hate this!” I exclaimed. “I really do. Do we really have to talk about this?”

“I don’t think they really were trying to hit us so much as they were making a point,” Abe said. “They’re a lot better shots than that, and I don’t think all three of us would have made it back to the clubhouse without so much as a scratch if they really wanted to gun anyone down. But that’s not the point.”

“Exactly, that’s not the point,” I said. “Even if they were just proving something, they were still shooting at you, and that could wind up accidently killing you if nothing else. I hate the sound of that, and I really wish you didn’t have to be put in those positions.”

“I’m doing my best to get out of them,” Abe said. “But it’s taking time.”

“How are you going to do that?” I asked. “You said yourself you have to change the MC, and it sounds to me like Tad is getting crazier by the day, not better.”