Page 51 of Biker's Baby

I felt so guilty that I hadn’t told Abe the truth about Tris before now, and I knew that I had to come clean about it. The more this went on, the more I knew that I couldn’t keep that to myself until after I left. There’s no way I could do that to him. He deserved to know the truth, that was obvious.

I was just about to tell him when his phone rang, and I bit my tongue.

“Oh, they’re letting you go already?” he asked. “Alright. I’m going to hop through the shower and put on something fresh, then I’ll be out to pick you up.”

He was so cheerful, I knew it had to be Glenn on the other end of the line, so I said nothing when he headed up the stairs to his bedroom still on the phone. I would find the right time to tell him that Tristan was his son, but that wasn’t something I would fit in when he was on his way out the door.

I had to wait until we had the time to talk about it. Until he had the time to digest what it was I had said to him. And now, well, this wasn’t it.

When Abe returned, he had clearly showered, and his clothing was fresh out of his dresser drawer. I had picked up Tristan and put him in his highchair so I could get him some breakfast, and I nearly asked Abe if he was heading out when he planted a kiss right on the top of my head.

“I’ve got a few errands I need to run,” he said, leaving me sputtering over what he’d just done. I wanted to ask him what that was for, but I couldn’t find the words to even speak.

“I’m not sure how long I’ll be. I’ve got to make sure Glenn has everything he needs at his place, and the president wanted me to do a few things for him this morning. I’ll be home later,” he said.

“Sure,” was all I could manage. He looked at me with a charming smile, his wink causing me to blush. He knew just what he was doing to me, and I could hardly stand it. I knew that this was partially a game to him, and it wasn’t fair.

There was that underlying sexual tension between us at all times, but there was more to it than that. He knew that I needed his help, and he also knew that I loved the way he was treating me.

It was a balance knowing that I was here out of need and that he enjoyed having the power to make me blush any time he wanted.

As he walked out the door, I shook my head and pushed all thoughts of going to the park out of my mind. Clearly, he had other things going on today, and I had to focus on what really had to be done. I would make sure my son had his breakfast, then I would start up my search of looking for jobs once again.

It was the main reason why I was here.

Not to flirt with Abe.

That would do nothing but lead me into trouble. I knew that for a fact, so I had to keep my head on straight. I had to be smart about this. I had to make better decisions these days for my son.

And I would.

As I looked at Tristan, I promised myself I would do what I had to do in order to keep him safe and make him happy. I would tell his father the truth, just so he had the option of having a father in his life. But I wasn’t going to let emotion get in the way of doing the right thing.

I had to focus on us now. Me and Tristan.

And that’s what I would do.

No matter what my heart was telling me.