Page 50 of Santa's Secrets

The truth dawned on me. “You watch my realm?”

“All the time. How else can I keep track of everyone? But when I say I watch all the time, I don’t meanallthe time.” His cheeks pinked.

“I’m relieved to hear it. Because youknowwhat I’m thinking, right?” When he gave me a puzzled glance, I grinned. “That bit about seeing us when we’re sleeping, knowing when we’re awake? That’s nearer the mark than you’d have us believe, isn’t it?”

His flush deepened. “I’m aware of what goes on, of what people need. And if I see a place where my magic is badly needed, I make sure it gets there.” He shrugged. “I did say it was complicated.”

I kissed him, a tender, lingering kiss. “I think you’re amazing.” I pulled back. “I also think this must be vastly different from how it was when you first started.”

He chuckled. “You havenoidea. The population of your realm has swelled, and it keeps on swelling. You would think that would make my job more and more difficult, but the reality is, fewer people believe in me, and where there is no belief, there I cannot go.”

His words of a few years before came back to me. “So you do think the day will come when all belief in you will cease to exist, and thenyouwill cease to exist?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know. It’s a possibility.”

I gazed at the rows of monitors. “What really amazes me is that you do all this on your own.”

“I don’t know of any other way.” He smiled. “We have something to do before you leave.”

“We do?” I grinned. “I’m up for that.”

He burst out laughing. “I might have known where your mind would go. We have a painting to finish, remember?”

Damn. “Of course. But when you’ve finished it…” I batted my lashes.

He snorted. “Just in case no one ever told you, you suck at puppy dog eyes.” Then his eyes widened, as though he’d uttered words in a foreign tongue.

I blinked. “Wow, Santa. You’re sounding more and more like a regular twenty-first century guy.”

“I blame you.” He shifted closer and looped his arms around my neck. “You don’t have to ask. There is nowhere I would rather be than in your arms.”

“Ditto,” I murmured against his lips between kisses.

He broke the kiss. “But maybe you’d like to consider something for the future.”

I gave him a quizzical glance. “Yes?”

“I’ve been on the receiving end of your… gifts for the past three years. I do think it’s about time I did some giving of my own.” He looked me in the eye. “That’s if you’d like to… receive.”

It took a moment for me to realize that in his quaint hesitant way, Santa was asking for permission to top.

I grinned. “Oh, I think I’d be down with that.”

“But now… painting time.”

I followed him back to the bedroom, unable to stop smiling. “You’ve still got it,” I muttered.

“What does that mean?” he said as we reached the door.

“You still know how to give the perfect gift.”

When I was fifty-two


“I like the new couch,” I murmured. It faced the fireplace, its seats deeper than the last one. Plenty of room for us to lie on it and snuggle beneath a throw.

He lay behind me, his arm draped over me. “Me too. This is a couch built for two.” He rocked against me, his cock sliding through my crack.